June 7, 2022 U.S. Senate Republican Primary

Flyer, 5" x 7 1/2".

Conservative   Christian   Republican

Bruce Whalen for U.S. Senate

Securing Our Rights . . .

- Life, Liberty, Property and Defense Thereof -

. . . Keeping the Republic

[QR code]
P.O. Box 951, Black Hawk, SD 57718
Text "Freedom" to 605-303-...
Representing South Dakotans
Under God the People Rule!

Paid for by: Bruce Whalen for U.S. Senate

We Believe . . .
•    according to Judeo-Christian values that Human life begins at the point of conception and defense thereafter is afforded Due Process.

•    as stated in the Declaration of Independence, that all people are created equal, "that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights" and must be treated equally under the law.

•    the Constitution establishes religious liberty and the right to keep and bear arms.

•    a strong national defense is necessary to secure our rights and defend against foreign powers.

•    in freedom of speech and encourage robust debate that shall not be confined to oppressive political correctness.

•    our Founders created a Constitutional Republic that evokes rule of law to safeguard our freedoms exactly as written in the Constitution.

•    in fair trade, trade that secures our rights, limiting taxation on our productivity and limiting regulations that burden American productivity.

•    that men and women in law enforcement, emergency response and the medical profession deseive our gratitude and demand that their ability to lawfully seive our communities is not impeded and does no harm

•    that Election Integrity is critical in securing our rights and that only every legal vote must count

•    that State Rights prevail over federal regulation concerning education curriculum.

•    that State Rights prevail over federal regulation concerning Life, Liberty, Property and Defense thereof.