Nov. 2, 2010 Governor 

Palm Card,  4 1/4" x 11".  

Governor John Lynch
Steady Leadership, Real Results

Steady Leadership, Fiscal Responsibility. John Lynch is a businessman, and he has put that experience to work eliminating waste, increasing efficiency and delivering a budget surplus. New Hampshire was just named one of the best-run states in the nation. And Lynch put in place the first-ever ethics law for the executive branch.

Growing Jobs. John Lynch's plan focuses on tax credits, job training and lowering health care costs to help businesses grow and create jobs. Today, New Hampshire has the second-fastest rate of job growth in the country; an unemployment rate 40% below the national average; and is ranked one of the most business friendly states in the country.

No Sales or Income Tax. John Lynch worked to keep our taxes low, and today New Hampshire has the lowest taxes in the nation. He will veto any sales or income tax.

Protecting Public Safety. John Lynch put in place the toughest laws in the nation to protect children from sex predators. For the first time, New Hampshire is providing strict oversight and supervision for prisoners when they get out of prison. New Hampshire has been named the safest state in the nation for three years in row, and Governor Lynch has been endorsed by law enforcement from across the state.

Improving Education. Because of John Lynch's leadership, every child in New Hampshire can now attend public kindergarten. His education plan reduced the drop-out rate by 50%, and he's set a goal of reducing the drop-out rate to zero by 2012.

Protecting a Woman's Right to Choose. John Lynch believes private medical decisions are best made by a woman and her doctor, not the government.

John Stephen

Higher Property Taxes. John Stephen's plan cuts $500 million from education and health care, which will result in massive local property tax increases.

Fiscal Mismanagement. As health commissioner, Stephen raised fees 160 times. He cut funding for nursing homes for seniors, even as he billed the state for his home internet and cable box. Stephen left behind a trail of audits and lawsuits that cost taxpayers over $40 million. Republican State Representative Fran Wendelboe said, there was a "real problem" getting "straight numbers" from Stephen.

Wrong on Public Safety, Ethics. John Stephen lobbied for a pardon for a campaign contributor convicted of arson and witness tampering. As health and human services commissioner, Stephen changed the rules to allow felons to serve as foster parents. And Stephen refused to fire his campaign manager, who was under a restraining order for stalking a woman. Republican State Senator David Boutin accused Stephen of "ethical transgressions" that were "intolerable."

Wrong for Seniors, Women and Children. John Stephen proposed a plan that would kick one-third of New Hampshire seniors out of nursing homes. The Concord Monitor called it "a wholesale dumping of seniors." Stephen's plan would also make seniors drive up to 95 miles to see a doctor, and he would cut health care for seniors, pregnant women and children by 60%.

Wrong on Choice. John Stephen opposes a woman's right to choose, and he would support making abortion illegal in all cases, including for victims of rape and incest.

Paid for by the NH Democratic Party. Raymond Buckley, Chair.
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