Nov. 2, 2010 Governor 

Palm Card, 4" x 9".  

Connect with Charlie

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The Baker/Tisei team believes Massachusetts needs to get serious about pursuing policies that will get people back to work faster, so we can turn our economy around and lead the nation. Among other things, Baker/Tisei has plans to improve the business climate so employers here can grow jobs here.

Beacon Hill is broken and has for too long avoided the tough reforms needed to save taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars. The Baker/Tisei team is pushing for these reforms and is committed to driving plans to get it done. We must clean up state government to put Massachusetts on the right track.

Our taxes in Massachusetts have been too high for too long, making it difficult for people to get ahead and difficult for businesses to expand. The Baker/Tisei team supports rolling back the income tax to 5%, and returning the sales tax to 5%.
About Charlie

Charlie Baker is a lifelong resident of Massachusetts who grew up in Needham and currently lives in Swampscott with his wife, Lauren, and their three children.

Throughout his 30-year professional career, Charlie has held leadership positions in both the public and private sectors. Twice, Charlie helped steward a turnaround: as a senior administration official under Governors Weld and Cellucci, and as CEO of Harvard Pilgrim. It is because of those experiences that Charlie is best qualified to bring Massachusetts the turnaround it needs.
About Richard
Richard Tisei has served the people of Massachusetts for 26 years, fighting for lower taxes and more efficient government. He is currently the Minority Leader of the Massachusetts State Senate representing the Middlesex and Essex District. Richard was elected to the Massachusetts House of Representatives at the age of 22, the youngest Republican ever elected in Massachusetts.
70 Fargo St. Suite 202, Boston, MA 02210

Paid for by The Baker Committee and The Tisei Committee