Nov. 2, 2010 Governor 

Card, 4 1/4" x 10". 

Duke Aiona & Lynn Finnegan
Real Solutions, Not Rhetoric


Absentee Mail-lo Voting

Absentee ballots are mailed out the week of October 11.
Absentee applications accepted until October 26.
Absentee ballots must be returned and received by November 2.

Early Walk-ln Voting
October 19-30, 2010
For walk-in polling locations contact your county clerk's office.
  • City and County of Honolulu 808.768.3800
  • County of Hawai'i 808.961.8277
  • County of Maui 808.270.7749
  • County of Kaua'i 808.241.4800

Election Day Voting
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Polls are open from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm on Election Day. For the polling location nearest you, visit www.hawaii.gov/elections.


A Plan for Hawai'i
As Governor and Lt. Governor, Duke and Lynn will focus on five priorities to get Hawai'i moving again — real solutions, not rhetoric.

1 Create Jobs
Government can't create the jobs that fuel our economy, but Duke and Lynn can make it easier for the small businesses that do.

2 Strengthen the Economy
More than 99% of Hawai'i's total businesses are small businesses. Duke and Lynn will create a business-friendly environment.

3 Reform Education
Duke and Lynn will restructure the education system — ensuring 90% of education dollars make it into the classroom.

4 Control State Spending
Duke and Lynn will balance the budget and create long-term fiscal stability by ensuring government spends within its means.

5 Provide Tax Relief
Duke and Lynn will hold the line on taxes and work to create a competitive tax system based on transparency, efficiency and fairness.

Read Duke and Lynn's entire plan at AionaFinnegan.com/future

Paid for by Friends of Duke Aiona  |  P.O. Box 1130 |  Honolulu, HI 96807
p. (808) 596-...  | f: (808) 596-...  |  e: DukeAiona@DukeAiona.com

Door Hanger, 5" x 18". 

DUKE AIONA for Governor
Job Creation and Education Reform

As Lt. Governor, Duke Aiona has always put the people of Hawai'i first. As Governor, he will continue to cultivate a brighter future for our families

Job Creation
  • Cut red tape and unnecessary regulatory burdens
  • Keep taxes low to promote a business-friendly environment
  • Invest in human capital to compete in the global economy
  • Develop new economic sectors in naturally competitive areas
  • Transform Hawai'i into a world model for clean energy
  • Accelerate infrastructure projects: airports, harbors, highways, and broadband
Education Reform
  • Conduct a comprehensive, independent audit of the Dept of Education, which has not been done in nearly 40 years
  • Ensure 90% of funding is spent at the schooI Ievel
  • Support "Race to the Top" educational reforms
  • Expand science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education in all schools by 2012
  • Eliminate cap on charter schools

www.DukeAiona.com I Follow us on

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Yes, I will vote for Duke Aiona for Governor!

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Display a yard sign
Host a meet & greet 
Knock on doors
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Write letters to the editor
Be a Neighborhood Captain

Paid for by Friends of Duke Aiona  |  P.O. Box 1130 |  Honolulu, HI 96807
p. (808) 596-...  | f: (808) 596-...  |  e: DukeAiona@DukeAiona.com

Working Hard for the People of Hawai'i

Lt. Governor Duke Aiona is working hard to make Hawai'i a better place to work, live and raise a family.

Creating Jobs
Government can't create the jobs that fuel our economy, but as Governor, Duke Aiona can make it easier for those who do. That's why he has worked on incentives for businesses to retain and create jobs.

Promoting a Better Business Climate
Duke Aiona helped reduce the cost of doing business by decreasing fees and assessments for small businesses and consumers by more than $51 million.

Moving Toward a Clean Energy Future
Duke Aiona helped launch the Hawai'i Clean Initiative to generate 70% of our energy through energy efficiency and clean, renewable sources by 2030.

Working for Taxpayers
Duke Aiona has never supported increases in the general excise tax, hotel room tax or property tax, and strongly opposed the state legislature's recent increase in taxes.

Supporting Small Businesses
Small business is big business in Hawai'i. That's why Duke Aiona met with more than 120 small business owners in 100 days to listen to their input, which helped to shape his plan to create jobs and strengthen the local economy.


Paid for by Friends of Duke Aiona  |  P.O. Box 1130 - Honolulu, HI 96807

Palm Card, 3 3/4" x 8 3/4". 


Duke Aiona has dedicated his life to serving the people of Hawai'i. He began his career more than two decades ago as a city prosecutor, later becoming a city attorney and then a state judge.
As our Lt. Governor, Duke Aiona has played a vital role in prudently managing our state budget, restoring government accountability and integrity, improving education for children and young adults, strengthening public safety and advocating for much-needed tax relief for families and small businesses.


Duke Aiona
A Plan for Hawai'i's Future

Job Creation
  • Pursue economic diversification and entrepreneurial opportunities
  • Transform Hawai'i into a world model for clean energy
  • Keep taxes low to promote a business-friendly environment
Education Reform
  • Eliminate the cap on charter schools
  • Expand science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education
  • Decentralize bureaucracy and mandate 90% of funding to reach the classroom


Paid for by Friends of Duke Aiona
P.O. Box 1130 - Honolulu, HI 96807