Nov. 2, 2010 Governor 

Brochure, 7" x 5 1/2". 



"Connecticut was once the economic engine of the Northeast and can be again. We need new leadership that will deliver the opportunities our citizens deserve. We need change that gets government working for us again. We need the kind of future that keeps businesses and young people from leaving. I have a plan for us to bring back jobs, reduce the cost of government, and reduce the tax burden on working families.


Bring Back Jobs and the Economy
  • I will market Connecticut to companies outside our state in seven industry groups that will benefit from all that Connecticut has to offer.
  • I will make Connecticut more "employer friendly" by making government more responsive and less burdensome on job-creators.

Reduce the Cost and Size of Our Unaffordable State Government

  • Connecticut faces a $3.5 billion deficit in 2012. I will eliminate this budget deficit by reducing the size and cost of our unaffordable state government, not by increasing taxes.
  • While reducing the cost of government, I will improve its responsiveness to the needs of citizens and employers.

Close the Budget Deficit Without Raising New Taxes

  • The state tax burden on Connecticut working families is way too high, at $8,600 on average pet household. I will solve the deficit problems without raising taxes.
  • My opponents are saying that everything should be on the table, including higher taxes. I don't agree and encourage you to listen carefully to what they are saying.

Change the Way Business is Done in Hartford

  • I will stop the game playing and accounting gimmicks being used to kick problems down the road in Hartford.
  • I will not be influenced by the special interests in Hartford, and I will make the tough decisions that need to be made to get Connecticut turned around.

The fourth of six children, Tom learned early how to listen. At 17 he took a year off to travel around the country. He worked a construction job and on an assembly line, and zigzagged from Boston to Alaska, meeting people along the way and learn­ing about what makes this country tick.

In 1985, Tom started his own business—the NTC Group—which acquires under-performing businesses and turns them around. Within 10 years, NTC Group grew to employ over 6,000 people. Tom believes the same problem-solving skills he used to fix failing businesses and turn around large organizations can be used to fix our economy and end Hartford's reckless spending.


Mark Boughton, serving his fifth term as Mayor of Danbury, served as a member of the U.S. Army Reserve and worked as a Social Studies teacher and small business owner before entering politics. An expert on issues that impact cities and towns, Mark served in the state legislature and through­out his career has stressed "people over politics." Working toward nonpartisan reforms, he's worked hard to reduce the size and cost of government, and to attract new jobs to Danbury. 

To read the details of Tom Foley's plan forward for Connecticut, visit

PO  Box 1196  |  Stamford, CT 06904  |

Paid for by Foley for Governor, Inc. Larry Lawrence, Treasurer. APPROVED BY TOM FOLEY.

Booklet Mailer, 11" x 8 1/2".

Connecticut is broken and broke..
working together,
we can fix it.

Tom Foley
An Experienced Executive...
Tom Foley has over 25 years experience as an executive solving real world problems:

  • Tom built a business that employed over 6,000 people worldwide
  • Tom is a skilled problem-solver and specialist in turning around businesses
  • Tom has a degree in Economics and a Master's in Business Administration

...Who knows how to fix problems

Tom Foley has government experience, but didn't create the problems we face in Hartford:

  • Tom served in Iraq for 7 months overseeing 160 state-owned businesses
  • Tom served qs the United States Ambassador to Ireland from 2006-2009
  • Tom isn't a career politician and isn't a Hartford insider

Tom Foley

A Family Man

The fourth of six children, Tom Foley learned early how to listen and the value of hard work. His dad joked he was always tinkering – busy trying to fix things.

...Who likes helping people

Today, Tom Foley tells his son, Tom, and wife, Leslie, that nothing is impossible.

Tom Foley
Has a plan for Connecticut...

Tom Foley has a plan for Connecticut. He knows that with a little hard work nothing is impossible. His plan shows how we can:

  • Bring more and better jobs to Connecticut
  • Cut wasteful spending
  • Reduce taxes on working families
  • Change Hartford

...For a Brighter Future

"Ingenuity, inventiveness, know-how—Connecticut has a knack for good business sense. Let's get to work solving our problems and making the future brighter"

—Tom Foley

Tom Foley for Governor
We Can Fix Hartford

"Hartford isn't getting the job done. I will change the way business is done in our capital. Working together we can fix Connecticut's problems."

—Tom Foley

Read Tom Foley's Plan Forward for Connecticut at

Paid for by Foley for Governor, Inc. Larry Lawrence, Treasurer.

Mailer, 11" x 8 1/2". 

20 Summer St., 2nd Floor
Stamford, CT 06901

Republican Tom Foley has a plan to
fix Connecticut.

Tom Foley has a plan to get Connecticut working again.

A lot of people talk about how to fix government and get our state back on the right track. But Tom Foley has an actual plan to get Connecticut working again.

Tom Foley is not a politician. He is a committed, lifelong Republican and a successful businessman who built his own company that employed over 6,000 people. He is a skilled problem solver who specializes in turning around troubled businesses.

Tom Foley knows that with hard work and Republican values we can get Connecticut working again. His experience and belief in this state formed the basis for A Path Forward for Connecticut, his plan to get our state headed in the right direction.

To read Tom Foley's plan, visit his website at

A Plan Forward for Connecticut
Tom Foley's Plan to get Connecticut working again 

Tom Foley's plan will get Connecticut headed back in the right direction and restore a promising future by focusing on the four things that Connecticut residents care most about.
• Bringing Back Jobs and the Economy

• Reducing the Cost and Size of State Government

• Reducing the Tax Burden on Connecticut Working Families

Changing the Way Business is Done in Hartford

Vote Republican Tom Foley for Governor
Together we can fix Connecticut
Let's Get to Work!

Paid for by Foley for Governor, Inc. Larry Lawrence, Treasurer.