Nov. 2, 2010 Governor 

Brochure, opens to 8 1/2" x 11". 

TOM MARSH for Connecticut

Gubernatorial Candidate - Independent Party


As both a municipal leader and small business owner Tom is unique among the field of gubernatorial candidates. Tom is currently the First Selectman of Chester, the town Connecticut Magazine recently ranked as the "Best Small Town in
Connecticut". First elected to office in 2005 he is currently serving in his third term. In additional to is role as municipal CEO. Tom also serves as chair of the Connecticut River Valley Chief Elected Officials, an organization con­sisting of 17 municipalities located along the Lower Connecticut River. Tom is a member of the executive board of the Workforce alliance.and served on the Governor's Early Childhood Education Council.

Tom and his wife Kathy started their own small business in 1989. They experience the challenges of doing business in Connecticut every day.

Tom holds a M.B.A. in marketing from St. Joseph's University, Philadelphia as well as a B.S.B.A. in Business Administration.

Tom and his wife Kathy have three children ranging in age from 16 to 23.


Return Connecticut to its place of prominence as an economic engine by: instituting tax and regulatory policies that encour­age small business development, taking advantage of our geographic proximity to approximately 11 million people within a 200 mile radius, taking advantage of the unequaled educational institutions located in Connecticut, focus on jobs not tax burdens.

Return integrity to the state budget by using funds for their original intention by: returning transportation taxes to trans­portation services, lodging taxes to support tourism, lottery revenue for education, tobacco litigation award for tobacco awareness and education and targeted health care costs, sportsman fees to support wildlife and resource management, clean energy fees for clean energy projects and end unfunded mandates.

Increase local control and accountability by: taking advantage of our New England roots ... local service, provided by neighbors we know and trust, administered by the most accountable system available, local elections, leaving more of the tax revenues with those who pay taxes and make those who spend it be more accountable, take advantage of the efficiencies of local government and voluntary regional structures to improve delivery of service.

Institute "Charter Agencies" - pilot programs that focus on a desired outcome with the freedom to cut the red tape by: identifying desired outcome (build a bridge, complete physicals for every child, etc.), Identifying key considerations, demanding excellence and value in service above all, benchmarking success, expanding or contracting programs based on outcome

Defend and protect the quality of life Connecticut has long been known for by:
staffing and protecting our natural resources, parks, forests, and beaches, encouraging the use of clean fuel technologies, especially those developed in Connecticut, encouraging the arts through education and local support.

Put family and education at the center of every social program by: focusing on success for every person in Connecticut predicated on a successful childhood and successful education, instituting education and training requirements for social services, incarceration with incentives/ disincentives, consolidating agencies and breaking down the territorial walls between state services.

Address Connecticut's population challenges by: encouraging our young people to stay through strong education opportunities and en­hanced scholarship programs, employment and quality of life opportunities, taking advantage of immigration trends that have resulted from the aging of the Con­necticut population, provide incentives for those pursuing the "American Dream" of a better life for themselves and their family. A dream based on a strong work ethic, commitment to family and to education/training.

Institute pension programs that rely on employee funding by: working with labor to move from a defined benefit to a defined contribu­tion pension program, starting with new hires and buyouts for recent hires.

Improve health care in the state by: identifying who is not covered and why, focusing on the individual care not the bureaucracy to institute the care and designing long term care support so elders can age in place instead of being institutionalized at much higher costs to the state.

Improved government efficiencies by: allowing for more decision making at the local level, focusing on needs and resources, implementing practical suggestions from front line workers, eliminating departmental "information silos" resulting in redundancies in effort and repealing outdated, redundant, obstructive legislation, organizing state services by desired outcome not by myopic, impractical, and isolated functions.

Paid for by marsh2010, G.Reyer Treasurer

offers the residents of Connecticut non-partisan, balanced leadership, and an opportunity to make a real difference in designing a fresh approach to government.

Get involved, Make a difference!
Sign up for our email list through the website   Tell pollsters you support Tom Marsh    Tell your friends about the Independent Party campaign    Find Tom Marsh on Facebook    Help with a grassroots donation of $25

Marsh 2010 Committee
P.O. Box 660
Chester, CT 06412

Folding Business Card -
3 1/2" x 2"

Independent Party
Independent Leadership Putting Connecticut First

TOM MARSH                              CICERO BOOKER
Gubernatorial Candidate             Lt. Governor Candidate
Phone:860-526-...   Email:

Paid for by marsh2010 committee, Glenn Reyer. Treas.



• Streamline the regulatory process to provide a business climate that is competitive for large and small business.

• Listen to and work with our current major employers.

• Help small business with potential grow and stay in CT.

• Aggressively promote CT around the country and world.


• Increase government accountability through greater local control and reduced state mandates.

• Reduce the property tax burden by sharing sales and Income tax with municipalities.

• Demand quality, value and service from every government agency and every employee.

• Privatize or restructure agencies, where appropriate, by focusing on the customer – the residents and businesses of CT.

• Reward state contractors that perform well and bar those with a history of substandard service.

• Move from defined-benefit to defined-contribution plans for state employees.

• Streamline our tax structure by eliminating ineffective and special interest exemptions.

Will state spending mirror campaign spending?
We need leadership that understands how to do more with less.

Fiscal responsibility starts with the campaign!

Help promote our fiscally responsible campaign by:
• Signing up for our email list through our website.
• Telling your friends about our campaign.
• Tell pollsters you support Marsh/Booker!
• Find Tom & Cicero on Facebook and Twitter.
• Look for YouTube video's on the Marsh Campaign.
• Help with a donation in any amount

Card - 4 1/4" x 5"


Organizational Structure of Connecticut's Energy Policy and Planning

(chart developed by Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering)

Sometimes the answer is right in front of you! All it takes is the vision to see it. Turn the card over to see the proposed solution that has been sitting on the shelf, waiting for a leader to put it into action.

Proposed Re-structuring of Connecticut's Energy Policy and Planning

(chart developed by Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering)

Tom Marsh has the vision to put ideas into action. 
Tom Marsh is the leader that Connecticut needs.

Paid for by marsh2010committee, G. Reyer, Treas.