Nov. 2, 2010 Governor 

Palm Card, 8 1/2" x 3 1/2".   

Making Arizona Work Again.
Recovering lost jobs must be job #1 for the next Governor
My emergency jobs and economic recovery plan is comprehensive, can be implemented immediately, and 95% of it wouldn't cost our State a dime.
I wiII:

1. Support small business, the backbone of a strong state economy.

2. Create jobs by attracting big businesses to Arizona and by helping those here to grow, rather than driving them away.

3. Ensure workers have the training they need to succeed.
That means supporting our public schools. Our economy will never recover when our schools rate at the bottom nationally.  |  (602) 254-6342
Paid for by Goddard for Governor, Rob Mroz, Treasurer

As Attorney General, I understand that the best defense is a good offense. I have gone after the human smugglers' money and closed down many criminal organizations. As Governor, I will lead a coordinated attack on border crime and will keep relentless pressure on Congress to finally reform federal immigration law.

I have a clear goal for Arizona: moving our public schools from the bottom 10 to the top 10 in 10 years. Excellence in public education is the best way to ensure long-term economic success.

Keeping us safe is the first priority of state government.
As your Attorney General, I made keeping your family safe my top priority. As Governor, I will continue the fight. We must do a better job keeping violent offenders behind bars and cracking down on border crimes. Arizona families deserve no less. I (602) 254-6342
Paid for by Goddard for Governor, Rob Mroz, Treasurer    [union bug]