Nov. 2, 1976 U.S. Senate
Brochure, 4 3/16" x 8 1/2".

LYNN KINSKY for U.S. Senate
Libertarian Party

Taxes Are a Rip-Off

Lynn Kinsky is serious about taxes, unlike other candi­dates who promise tax relief and vote for more spending. She helped organize a successful property tax strike in Santa Barbara last year. She has testified at legislative hearings to stop the oppressive system of property taxes in California. She has worked on petition drives to halt state spending schemes.

Lynn Kinsky thinks that individuals and local communi­ties should choose what services they wish to have, and pay for them directly. She wants to stop the federal gov­ernment from mandating programs onto the states and cities, creating more paperwork, more expense, and taking away local control. She wants to prune back both the welfare bureaucracy and waste in the defense depart­ment.

Lynn Kinsky believes that power and authority should be given, not only from the federal government to the states, but from the states to counties, cities, and neigh­borhoods. Most important, power to direct your life should be given to you, not to any government. That's what the American Revolution was all about: the free­dom for you to live your life the way you want.

The U. S. Foreign Policy is a Loser

Every year the federal government spends billions of dollars of your money to act as world policeman. At the same time, we give billions of dollars in aid to govern­ments against whom we are "defending ourselves."

Lynn Kinsky thinks the United States can be defended from all possible enemies without spending so much money. We don't need the B-1 bomber, for instance. We don't need hundreds of military bases around the world. We don't need to intervene in every civil war and minor skirmish around the world.

Lynn Kinsky supports relaxing tensions with the Soviet Union; she is also against U.S. taxpayers subsidizing wheat sales by guaranteed low-interest loans. Relaxing tension doesn't mean free gifts.

Government Should Protect – Not Limit – Individual Rights

Nearly 200 years since the enactment of the Bill of Rights, we still have to protect our lives from government intrusion. Government spies on us, tells us what we may not put into our bodies, and tells us who we may not have sexual relations with.

Lynn Kinsky has been a fighter for civil liberties. Her first political action was organizing against the House Un-American Activities Committee in 1962. She cam­paigned to decriminalize marijuana in 1972. She has been fighting for the release of tax protester Karl Bray, who is in federal prison for speaking out against the In­ternal Revenue Service. Lynn Kinsky opposes Senate Bill 1, which would permit wiretapping, entrapment, and limit protests against government actions. She opposes government attempts to outlaw vitamins and cyclamates. She opposes any and all attempts by government to dis­criminate against women, minorities, and gays. She favors unconditional amnesty for all draft resisters and deserters.

Government Ruins Everything it Touches

Every project government undertakes turns into an inef­ficient bureaucratic mess. The Social Security System is close to total bankruptcy. To pay current benefits the government must now pilfer general fund taxes and raise social security taxes of those who may never see benefits of this declining system. Lynn Kinsky thinks participation should be voluntary, so individuals who want to take re­sponsibility for their own retirement should be able to quit the system.

Government Creates Unemployment – It Can't Cure It

When government places restrictions on small business (additional taxes, regulations, wage and price controls), government creates unemployment, The way out of the unemployment mess is not in creating "make-work" projects. These projects are merely attempts by politi­cians to buy votes with jobs, which are paid for by the taxpayer and the consumer. Increased business taxes mean less money for wages and higher prices for consu­mers.

About the Candidate

Lynn Kinsky, 32, has a B. S. degree in chemistry from the University of Wisconsin and did graduate work in chemistry and sociology at Dartmouth College and the University of California at Santa Barbara. She has worked as a pharmaceutical chemist, writer, criminal justice re­searcher, electronics assembler, and magazine editor. She was a candidate for Santa Barbara School Board in 1975 and was an organizer for the Santa Barbara Property Tax Strike. She is an active feminist, national vice-president of the Association of Libertarian Feminists, and is a volunteer for the Santa Barbara Rape Crisis Center. She is Treasurer of the Association for Rational Environmental Alternatives.

LYNN KINSKY expresses concern over the 100% reassessment of a senior citizen's home.

Lynn Kinsky fought rising taxes in Santa Barbara –
Let's send her to Washington to continue the fight!

Because of harsh state laws which discriminate against new parties, Lynn Kinsky must get on the ballot as an independent by petition. Petitions will be circulated beginning in July. Lynn Kinsky can offer an alternative to the major party politicians only if you help. Fill out the coupon below and send to the nearest headquarters.

Here is a contribution of $_
I can work on the campaign in my area.
I will help circulate nomination petitions.
I will sign the petition.
Please send additional information.

P.O. Box 6274
Santa Barbara,  CA 93111
Phone: (805) 964-...

450 Liberty Street, No. 4
San Francisco, CA 94114
Phone: (415) 285-...
or (415) 841-...

P.O. Box 168
Culver City, CA 90230
Phone: (213) 345-...
or (213) 241-...

A copy of our report is filed with the Federal Election Commission and is available for purchase from the F.E.C., Washington, D.C.

Campaign Treasurer: Lloyd Taylor, 3-25-76

Printed by CLEO'S Printing, 1241 21st Street, Oakland, CA 94607.

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