Nov. 2, 1982 Governor

Card. Courtesy of
UCLA Campaign Literature Archive.





Dan Dougherty ............. Governor
John Vernon ............ Lt. Governor
Martin Buerger ...... Secretary of State
Mary Gingell .............. Controller
Bart Lee ............ Attorney General
Less Antman ............... Treasurer
Joe Fuhrig ............... U.S. Senate

Make Your Vote Count

Like millions of other Californians, Dan Dougherty is fed up with politics. He believes that it's timme for us to declare our inde­pendence – from government, from the politicians, and from the Democratic and Republican parties.

Dan Dougherty opposes the Supreme Court's recent gutting of Prop 13. A new initiative to cut taxes will create jobs for the 800,000 Californians presently out of work and will allow us to keep what is rightfully ours.

Dan Dougherty wants to com­bat violent crime by ending government intrusion into our private lives and putting the police back on the beat to stop real crimes, like robbery, murder, and rape. Violent crime has risen by 50% in the last six years. A new approach to crime is needed – the Libertarian approach of repealing laws that create "crimes" without victims while ensuring swift and sure punishment for violent crime.

A vote for Dan Dougherty is a vote for a new direction in California politics – away from government meddling and toward freedom of choice and personal responsibility. Make your vote count by voting for Dan Dougherty, Libertarian for Governor.

Declare Your Independence
Vote Libertarian
Dan Dougherty lives in Kentfield, California, with his wife Norma. They have three children. Dan is a decorated combat vet­eran of World War II, a businessman, and a community leader. He registered Libertarian in 1975 and became ac­tive in politics campaigning for Proposition 13 in 1978.

YES! I want to declare my independence by supporting Dan Dougherty's campaign for Governor. Enclosed is my contribution of:

$1000   $500   $250   $150   $100   $50   $25   $15   $__
(Make checks payable to "Dougherty for Governor")

_ I want to talk to my friends and neighbors about Dan Dougherty's campaign. Please contact me.
_ Please send me additional information about the Libertarian Party. I have enclosed $1.
_ I would like to register Libertarian. Please send me a voter registration card.

*State law requires that this information be requested
Paid for by the Dougherty for Governor campaign, Tom Jacobsen, Treasurer

Send to: Dougherty for Governor
               681 Market Street, Suite 570
               San Francisco, Ca 94105