RNC Rapid Response
December 1, 2022

75 Reasons Warnock is STILL Wrong For Georgia

On Tuesday, Georgia voters have a big decision to make.


But when you consider the career of Raphael Warnock — tinged by hateful rhetoric, extreme partisanship, and associations with far-left radicals — it’s also an easy decision.


Here are 75 reasons for Georgians to oppose Raphael Warnock:


  1. Warnock supports ending cash bail.
  2. Warnock said cash bail “criminalize[s] poverty.”
  3. Warnock attacked police officers as “gangster[s] and thug[s].”
  4. Warnock said “we shouldn’t be surprised when we see police officers act like bullies on the street.”
  5. Warnock spent more than $1 million in campaign funds on security — despite his dark money defund the police ties.
  6. Warnock declared “nobody can serve God and the military.”
  7. Warnock repeatedly disparaged gun owners and the Second Amendment.
  8. Warnock wouldn’t condemn anti-police comments made by fellow Georgia Democrat Stacey Abrams.
  9. Warnock said open carry laws are about “protecting…white privilege.”
  10. Warnock criticized “politicians who go to church every Sunday morning and then…come up with the dumbest [pro-Second Amendment] legislation you can ever imagine.”
  11. Warnock repeatedly smeared his state’s voting laws as “Jim Crow in new clothes,” then bragged about record midterm election turnout.
  12. Warnock couldn’t say why Georgians should give him a full term after two years of failed Democrat control.
  13. Warnock wouldn't say if he supports Biden running for re-election.
  14. Warnock said he’s “sick and tired” of hearing criticism of socialism.
  15. Warnock criticized the “idea that the [free] market solves everything” as “a kind of fundamentalist religious ideology.”
  16. Warnock praised Marxism, writing in his book “the Marxist critique has much to teach the Black church.”
  17. Warnock smeared Israel as an “apartheid” state.
  18. Warnock accused Israel of “shoot[ing] down unarmed Palestinian” people “like birds of prey.”
  19. Warnock signed on to a letter that likened Israeli to “previous oppressive regimes,” such as “apartheid South Africa.”
  20. Warnock’s church is part of a far-left group that is “calling for an end to U.S. military aid to Israel.”
  21. Warnock celebrated the Nation of Islam — led by proud antisemite Louis Farrakhan — as “needed” and “important.”
  22. Warnock was a pastor at a New York City church when it hosted an event featuring Farrakhan.
  23. Warnock’s church repeatedly hosted Leonard Jeffries, a former professor who was fired “over antisemitic and Black supremacist teachings.”
  24. Warnock praised ex-Obama pastor Rev. Jeremiah Wright as “a prophet” who should be “celebrate[d]” — even after Wright's infamous “God Damn America” sermon.
  25. Warnock praised Wright’s “God Damn America” sermon as “a very fine homily.”
  26. Warnock’s church hosted Cuban dictator Fidel Castro for a speech and celebration.
  27. Warnock praised the legacy of Cuban dictator Fidel Castro as “complex” and compared America’s criminal justice system to political prisoners in communist Cuba — then refused to disavow his comments.
  28. Warnock eulogized his spiritual mentor — who argued white Christians are “satanic” and called for “the destruction of everything white” — as a “poignant and powerful voice” of high “spiritual magnitude.”
  29. Warnock called Black Lives Matter “a great and marvelous new militancy.”
  30. Warnock called on Americans to “repent” for supporting President Trump and for their “worship of whiteness.”
  31. Warnock labeled Republican senators “gangsters and thugs” for passing tax cuts.
  32. Warnock mocked  Republicans’ “commitment to reading” as he pushed for indefinite school lockdowns.
  33. Warnock refused to condemn the rabid election denials of fellow Georgia Democrat Stacey Abrams.
  34. Warnock bragged of his close friendship with election denier and twice-failure Stacey Abrams, who have worked “alongside each other for years.”
  35. Warnock backed Major League Baseball’s decision to move the 2021 All-Star Game out of Georgia, which cost Georgia $100 million.
  36. Warnock declined to say if the Atlanta Braves should “rethink their name, their logo, or their signature cheer.”
  37. Warnock said we should “salute” Colin Kaepernick for kneeling during the National Anthem and compared Kaepernick to Rosa Parks.
  38. Warnock was accused of running over his ex-wife with his car.
  39. Warnock refused to pay expenses for his own children, then used his campaign funds to do so.
  40. Warnock doubled his income after just 18 months in office — a practice he previously decried.
  41. Warnock dodged income taxes on his inflated salary thanks to an “unusual” financial arrangement with his church.
  42. Warnock hindered an investigation into child abuse at a camp run by his church.
  43. Warnock’s church evicted low-income tenants from their “sickening” apartment building.
  44. Warnock repeatedly lied about his church evicting these tenants.
  45. Warnock even said he was “troubled” by those with “the unmitigated audacity” to question evicting those tenants.
  46. Warnock steered $16.4 million in federal earmarks to a project that benefited the co-owner of his controversial low-income apartment complex.”
  47. Warnock raided his campaign account to fight a completely unrelated 17-year-old lawsuit.
  48. Warnock is perpetually hiding from the media.
  49. Warnock refused to say if he would “welcome” Biden to campaign with him.
  50. Warnock votes with Joe Biden more than 96 percent of the time.
  51. Warnock flip-flopped on voter ID when it was politically expedient
  52. Warnock called voter ID “unnecessary and unjustifiable” and “the most determined and destructive assault…since the ugly days of Jim Crow.”
  53. Warnock smeared Americans as racists, classists, bigots, and xenophobes.
  54. Warnock suggested “even God” favors unrestricted abortion-on-demand until birth.
  55. Warnock voted to nix a longstanding, bipartisan prohibition on taxpayer-funded abortion.
  56. Warnock admitted he supports packing the Supreme Court with far-left activist justices.
  57. Warnock supports ending the filibuster to ram through Democrats’ extreme agenda.
  58. Warnock hypocritically flaunted Democrats’ forced masking policies — despite backing them.
  59. Warnock voted against a resolution to end forced masking on kids.
  60. Warnock won’t support American energy independence or expanding American energy production.
  61. Warnock is open to a carbon tax as part of an effort to end fossil fuels.
  62. Warnock supports “moving away from an economy based on fossil fuels.”
  63. Warnock’s church belongs to a coalition that has called for the United States to “end all financing of fossil fuel production.”
  64. Warnock’s church belongs to a far-left group that endorsed Critical Race Theory as the “true understanding of the history and evolution” of the United States.
  65. Warnock refused to back religious liberty protections for medical providers.
  66. Warnock called the death penalty “the last fail-safe for white supremacy.”
  67. Warnock voted for Biden's $1.9 trillion “stimulus” legislation — the “original sin” of inflation.
  68. Warnock voted to raise taxes on small businesses and middle class Americans, hire 87,000 new IRS agents, and worsen inflation.
  69. Warnock voted to send taxpayer-funded stimulus checks to violent criminals in prison.
  70. Warnock repeatedly voted against border security.
  71. Warnock favors eliminating President Trump’s middle class tax cuts.
  72. Warnock rubbed elbows with billionaires obsessed with the “Green New Deal.”
  73. Warnock said voting for him was “important spiritual work.”
  74. Warnock is among the most liberal members of the U.S. Senate.
  75. Warnock voted against ending Biden’s vaccine mandate for the military and other federal employees. 


Warnock says this election is “about right and wrong” — and Raphael Warnock is still wrong for Georgia.


Jacob Schneider

Deputy Director of Rapid Response

Republican National Committee