Nov. 4, 2014 U.S. Senate

 Card- 4" x 9".


BIO   CamCavasso.com
  • Former Captain in US Army.
  • Father of five.
  • Grandfather of Ten.
  • Started my own business at fourteen years old and it still operates today.
  • Has been a Financial Advisor for almost thirty years with Mass Mutual.
  • Three consecutive terms served as a State House Representative.
  • Owns a small farm in Waimanalo.
  • I will work to make Hawaii Economically Independent and help lower the cost of living.
  • I will work to help Oceanic and other existing networks expand even beyond our Pacific base.
  • I will work to bring these clean industries to our Hawaii with higher paying jobs and diversified skilled opportunities as was done in India, Singapore, Israel, Ohio and Texas where their economies expanded due to their success.
  • I will work to maintain a strong military defense and swift mobile capability-which is strategically key, from our forward Pacific location, between the Mainland and Asia.
  • I will work to grow our economy and bring increased prosperity to our Hawaii by opening and expanding opportunity in I.T. (internet communication technology), military support, and shipping based commerce while maintaining and growing tourism.



•     I will work from our nation's capital to strengthen tourism from Japan and North America to maintain and grow this natural economic foundation.
•     I will joyfully trumpet our positive Aloha Hawaiian style cultural influence in the world.
•     I will support Quality Tourism with special visa support for Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan and other Asian countries.
•     I will invite leading Medical, Educational, Health and Wellness lifestyles, and sports related jobs creating businesses and entrepreneurships to base in Hawaii and complement our unique tourism industry.

•     I will work to ensure that parents be the ones who ultimately determine their child's education.
•     I will encourage choice and competition as among the best ways to make our educational system great yet again.
•     I will always encourage and guard the parental right to involvement and full understanding of their child's education system.
•     I will defend Hawaii's right to set our own education course without Federal Intervention.
•     At the University level I will stand for the right and responsibility of our universities to compete with technological online opportunities and on site teaching without the intervention of Federal Government finance controls and curriculum.

A Steersman for Hawaii

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