Nov. 2, 2010 Governor 

One-Page Bio,  8 1/2" x 11".  

Leadership the Nebraska Way — Honesty, Integrity and Fair Dealing
614 E. 27th Street, Suite C, Scottsbluff, NE 69361 — Phone (402) 890-5662 

Mike Meister's Biography

Mike Meister was born in Omaha Nebraska January 17, 1961. At the tender age of 9 months his folks bundled him up and moved to Kimball, Nebraska. He lived there until second grade when the family moved north to Scottsbluff, Nebraska. He attended St. Agnes elementary school, Scottsbluff Jr. High School and Scottsbluff Sr. High School, graduating in 1979.

Mike attended Creighton University on an R.O.T.C. scholarship and studied political science. After graduation he was commissioned as a 2d Lieutenant in the United States Army. An educational deferent allowed him to attend law school, graduating with a Juris Doctorate from Creighton University College of Law in 1986.

Mike was accepted into the Judge Advocate General School of the Army and became a United States Army JAG officer. He was transferred to the Federal Republic of Germany where he served at Grafenwoehr Training Area as a trial counsel, claims officer and legal assistance officer. He then took a position as the officer in charge of the Wildflecken Law Center at the Wildflecken Training Area.
He transferred form Wildflecken in June of 1991 to become the Chief of the Criminal Law Division of the Office of the Staff Judge Advocate 10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry) and Fort Drum, New York

Mike left the Army in 1992 and moved back to Scottsbluff, Nebraska to raise his family and practice law, where he represents injured workers and persons. His desire to fix the problems he saw around him brought him to seek the office of Nebraska Attorney General in 2002 and Scotts Bluff County Attorney in 2006. While not wins, both runs resulted in major changes being made in both offices based on his proposals. Mike continues to call Scottsbluff his home, where he lives with his three children.

Paid for by Meister for Governor Committee   Kevin Sylvester, Treasurer
614 E. 27th Street, Suite C, Scottsbluff, NE 69361   Printed in house

One-Pager, 8 1/2" x 11". 

Leadership the Nebraska Way — Honesty, Integrity and Fair Dealing
614 E. 27th Street, Suite C, Scottsbluff, NE 69361 — Phone (402) 890-5662 

Over the course of the last several weeks I have been critical of the record of Dave Heineman. While critical of his record, I have not been negative or personal. They are simply the facts. When you investigate these issues, a stark contrast becomes apparent. Dave sees everything as a cost where I see investment.

Please let me explain.

I want to share with you my vision for Nebraska ...

I see a Nebraska agricultural sector that leads the world in livestock, grain and other commodities, making our producers realize the potential they have always known was there.

I see Nebraska as the energy broker of the future, where we are creating, shipping and brokering energy transfers to the extent that we export our income tax burden to other states like Texas and Wyoming do now.

I see Nebraska as a leader in tourism and understand that by focusing on our natural beauty and our urban centers as destination locations, that we will be able to export our tax burdens in a way similar to South Dakota and Florida.

I see a Health and Human Services system that invests in our children and doesn't look at them as numbers on an accounting sheet.

I see a strong urban Nebraska economy based on small business growth and innovation.

I see a Nebraska with an infrastructure of roads that allow all Nebraskans to get their products to market in as economical a way as possible.

I see a fair and equitable tax system that allows us to care for the most vulnerable and make all of Nebraska stronger.

I believe in fiscal responsibility, local control and that state government should be there to offer a helping hand, not tell you what to do.

I believe in looking at the positive side of what the state does for its citizens. We must start investing in ourselves again.

If you believe, like I do, that Nebraska's greatest years lie before us, I would appreciate your vote on November 2.

Paid for by Meister for Governor Committee   Kevin Sylvester, Treasurer
614 E. 27th Street, Suite C, Scottsbluff, NE 69361   Printed in house

Newspaper Ads,
2 3/4" x 8 1/2". 

Leaning Forward in your Foxhole

Leaders don't seek popularity, they seek results. Nebraska needs a leader with the ability to recognize a problem as it arises and the willingness to make the tough decisions; to be the solution and not the problem.

Under Dave Heineman's watch the state budget has grown 25%. Now Nebraska faces a 3/4 billion dollar budget deficit and he wants to take a wait and sec approach.

In the choice between lead­ership and inaction, Dave Heineman chooses inaction.
This is no way to run our state. The Nebraska GOP chair has consistently said that Dave Heinemann has "navigated with a steady hand." My response is that the Captain of the Titanic had a steady hand until he hit the ice berg.

Do you want to wait until we hit a 3/4 of a billion dollar iceberg or do you want some­one with forward thinking, innovative ideas to change course and get our state back on track?

Leadership means action in the face of tough decisions. Dave Heineman has provided few solutions for the looming budget iceberg. An AWOL captain cannot steer the ship of state.

We need a change in direc­tion. We need surgical budg­et cuts that do not hurt servic­es to our most vulnerable cit­izens.

We need Mike Meister for Governor.

Paid for by Meister for Governor
Kevin Sylvester, Treasurer

Suffer the Little Children

Child Protec­tive Services in this state is bro­ken. Dave Hein­emann's answer is to add more administration at the top while the case load at the bottom is exploding.

There is no more righteous cause than helping children in pain. An abused 4 year old does not care about new administrative strategies. She needs our help.

The number of substantial reports of child abuse in Nebraska has risen 18% from 2007-2009. One case­worker has seen her caseload rise from an average of 20 cases to 258. An astounding 1,290 % increase, complete­ly overwhelming her ability to effectively help children.

We have an obligation to protect the children of Nebraska. We have an obli­gation to help families solve conflicts so that the family unit stays intact.

Beyond the terrible suffer­ing of the abused, society at large is also affected by the Heineman's failure to fix the problem. Abused children are more likely to become abusive themselves, cause problems in school, and become addicted to drugs.

I pledge as your governor to slash the administrative costs at the top and put more workers into the community so that the families in Nebraska are served.

It's past time to fix this broken system. Vote for Mike Meister for Governor.

Paid for by Meister for Governor
Kevin Sylvester, Treasurer
614 E. 27th St. St. C, Scottsbluff, NE