Nov. 2, 2010 Governor 

Brochure, opens to 11" x 8 1/2".  

Common Sense Conservative Solutions for Michigan Families and Businesses
Stacey Mathia
for Governor of Michigan
"Government is not a solution to our problem, Government is the problem"
-Ronald Reagan, January 20, 1981

Phone: 888 532-0221  www.staceymathia2010.com
Email: info@staceymathia2010.com
Paid for by the Committee to Elect Stacey Mathia P.O. Box 3466, Grand Rapids, MI 495010

The "right" to buy a License is not freedom to do something. The Peoples' knowledge of their Rights has been supplanted by an agenda of Government issued Privileges. The Original Intent behind the Bill of Rights is all but LOST upon State Legislators, Congressmen and Jurists alike. Not only will my Administration DEFEND your Individual Rights as enumerated in The Bill of Rights and DEFEND you from government abuses of their limited powers, my Administration will also be Respectful of The Peoples' innumerable Rights protected by the Ninth Amendment "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."
Defense of the Rights of The People of Michigan will be a top priority in my Administration and you will be welcome to bring your concerns to my attention.

Our State's Public Education System is broken. Part of this is as a result of Federal intervention beyond their Authority. My Administration will endeavor to restore localized quality public education that is cost effective and includes education about the Rights of the People and the U.S. Constitution and the Michigan Constitution. Our students will have awareness of their rights and responsibilities as State Citizens including their duties as Jurors and their right to Jury Nullification, and their duty to Vote and be involved in the political process. My Administration will defend Home Schooling and other effective cost savings to restore the highest quality education possible.

Governments are instituted among our People to preserve Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, and whenever governments become destructive of these ends it becomes the Duty of each of us to Abolish such government and institute new Guards for Our Freedoms. Government exists to preserve these Individual and Unalienable Rights for all the People, including the unborn. I will fight to protect life at all stages.


The Tenth Amendment is a direct partner of the Ninth Amendment "The powers not delegated [enumerated] to the United States [federal government] by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people [Militia included]." The federal government abuses the U.S. Constitution's General Welfare Clause, the Necessary and Proper Clause and particularly the Commerce Clause (Art I, S. 8), to claim authority to regulate State and Individual activities that are not within its authority. In 2009 the :Michigan Legislature passed its own resolution affirming sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment. My Administration will put real Executive Office support into defense of the Tenth Amendment and the State's Resolution by rebuking unconstitutional federal encroachments upon Michigan's Sovereignty and unconstitutional Infringements upon our Citizen's Rights.

In our nation, both federal and. state governments exist by a limited grant of power from The People. This is Consent By The Governed. Governments become tyrannical when they act outside these dearly written boundaries established by The People. Defending your Individual Rights is a fundamental element of my function as your Governor. My Administration will endeavor to prosecute corruption and constitutional violations at all levels of government by out-of-control government agencies and officers that is ravaging our economy. I will endeavor to restore accountability and transparency to government activities, so that you will have a fair and honest view of what your tax dollars are paying for and what you are voting for. I will endeavor to restore Citizen Grand Juries to investigate and prosecute government corruption and misconduct.
For far too long, pressure has been placed upon the People to be "Law Abiding" or face the consequences. It is time for unlawful and oppressive Government to face the same consequences. Extinguishing government corruption alone could save the taxpayers untold sums of tax dollars.

The Second Amendment has many facets, including defense of oneself, family and property, and defense of the State and the Nation. It is NOT just about hunting as media or the federal government would have you believe. My Administration will vigorously support, defend and utilize the Original Intent of our nation's Founders to Keep and Bear Arms, and your right to Open Carry. Both federal and state government have infringed this Right and Duty to be appropriately Armed. My Administration will protect our State's National Guard from being deployed into undeclared wars. The People of Michigan with prior Honorable military service are NOT a ''threat" to National Security as the federal Department of Homeland Security and the media would have us believe. What an insult that is to our brave service members. These personnel will be highly valued by my Administration as lawful members of the Unorganized Militia and the State Defense Force.
My Administration will endeavor to promote true firearms freedom with MADE IN MICHIGAN firearms and Ammunition, entirely secure from federal Infringements under anti-constitutional abuse of the Commerce Clause.


The more that government "gives away," the more that government must TAX us so they can redistribute that wealth. Government must further add a layer of expensive and often dysfunctional bureaucracy to administer that redistribution of wealth, further diminishing the effectiveness of the tax dollars taken from us. Taxation to create Government jobs does not improve our economy. My Administration will endeavor to immediately cut the size and cost of State government to eliminate wasteful, unconstitutional and oppressive "services." Under my Administration, your tax dollars will not be spent so that government can show up to 'help" you by putting a gun in your face.
My Administration will endeavor to eliminate the theft of local taxes without returning them to the community that paid them.
True economic prosperity begins with the formula developed by our Founders: FREEDOM. Reducing regulatory burdens on businesses and farmers and individuals alike can restore the desire and ability to establish viable businesses and farms that flourish in a Free Market. My Administration will defend our State's businesses from unconstitutional violations of our State Sovereignty by federal regulatory activity that is choking our economy. We will endeavor to promote State Self Sufficiency in all industries, and press State Agencies to buy from Michigan businesses FIRST before buying supplies from out of state or overseas suppliers.
My Administration will promote State and local initiatives to survive the economic catastrophe created by the Federal Reserve, such as use of local scrip money just as was done during the Great Depression to maintain the local money supply and sustain local economies. We will restore responsible access to Michigan's natural resources by exercising our Tenth Amendment prerogatives. We will defend the new MADE IN MlCHIGAN firearms industry. While anti­-constitutional Federal government economic policy falls into chaos and ruin for all of us, we MUST and we WILL establish measures to weather their corruption and treason so that Michigan does not fall into ruin along with them.
My Administration will support the elimination of special interest tax breaks and elimination of the Michigan Business Tax (MBT), as well as elimination of the socially and economically destructive aspects of Child Protective Services (CPS) and the Drivers Responsibility Fees. We will support Restitution and Community Service in place of costly and dysfunctional prison incarceration for non-violent victimless crimes. Michigan will cease to own it's reputation as one of the police states with the highest prison populations,, and instead become known as a positive place for healing and recovery from life's troubles.
My Administration will also exercise its Tenth Amendment prerogatives to refuse to foot the bill for unfunded federal mandates. If the federal government wants their expensive projects, let them pay for it. After all, they can and do print all the money they want.

"We will prosecute Constitutional abuses by out-of-control government agencies at all levels and restore Law-Abiding Government that is respectful of you, the Citizen.''

"The Revolution to restore Freedom, Individual Rights, Economic Prosperity and Law-Abiding Government, will be won with your vote in November."

Stacey Mathia and Chris Levels are Gubernatorial candidates of the US Taxpayers Party of Michigan

Upholding the Constitution