Nov. 2, 2010 Governor 

Palm Card, 4" x 9". 

Homeless at the age of 11 to success in business creating jobs; he's the only candidate to cut taxes and eliminate wasteful spending - without cutting a single service - when they said it couldn't be done.

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Paid for by the Committee To Elect Paul LePage, Governor
PO Box 1783 - Waterville, ME 049003
(207) 877-

Printed in Maine

Others running for Governor claim they are independent, or that they will change Maine, but they have both worked for the party controlling Augusta for years.

Paul LePage is running on his proven record of creating jobs, cutting taxes, eliminating government waste, and a life story of success.

Homeless at the age of 11, Paul LePage has faced adversity. He overcame it to finish high school, college and earn an advanced degree. He has a real plan to reform welfare; capping benefits and helping people off the system.

As the lead executive of Mardens Stores, Paul LePage has created hundreds of jobs in Maine. He has a real plan to create jobs in Maine - cutting Augusta red tape and high taxes that hurt small businesses and job growth. Paul will ensure our kids have the education needed to compete for the jobs of tomorrow.

As the elected Republican Mayor with an all Democratic City Council, he has worked across the aisle to cut taxes, eliminate waste, increase the rainy day savings account and raise the bond rating twofold, all without cutting a
single service. He did not eliminate a single service. He has a plan, based on success, to cut taxes and reform government in Maine.

A Governor who will fight for Maine jobs, promote Maine's outdoor heritage, protect our veterans and seniors, and ensure our kids can succeed; Paul LePage will create a better future for Maine families.

Vote Paul LePage