From the 2020 Standing Rules of the Constitution Party National Convention

Number of Delegate Votes Allowed Per State

The National Committee Secretary shall publish the list of states and the number of its respective assigned delegate votes and distribute the list to all recognized state leaders on or before one hundred fifty days (150) prior to the convention.

    •    Each state affiliate will be allowed two (2) delegate votes representing the number of Senators each state is allowed under the U.S. Constitution.

    •    In addition, any state that has achieved ballot qualification for the Constitution Party Presidential ticket in the current or the previous two Presidential elections, shall be assigned additional delegate votes equal to the number of congressional districts in the state.

    •    An additional delegate vote shall be assigned for each year, subsequent to the previous presidential election year, in which that state has paid its state assessment to the Constitution Party National Committee.

    •    An additional delegate vote shall be assigned a state for each National Committee Meeting held, subsequent to the previous presidential election year, at which the state had at least one (1) dues paying National Committee member in attendance.

    •    Delegations representing nonaffiliated states organizations that are seeking affiliation with the national Constitution Party or that have agreed to provide ballot access for the party’s Presidential candidate in the current election cycle shall be allowed two (2) delegate votes representing the number of Senators each state is allowed under the U.S. Constitution, plus an additional vote if the state is providing Presidential candidate ballot access.

    •    Once a state’s delegate vote total has been fixed, the chairman of the state delegation shall determine the manner in which its votes are apportioned.

    •    The Chairman of the state’s delegation may cast all the votes to which the state is entitled regardless of the number of delegates present on the floor of the convention at the time the vote is taken.