Campaign Literature—Bernie 2020

                                   Bernie 2020

Card - Seniors. front, back, 6" x 11", ea. 2020.


"We can live in a country where every senior lives in dignity and security, and does not have to chose between paying for basic necessities like medicine, food, or housing."
Bernie Sanders
Paid for by Bernie 2020  (not the billionaires)
[recycle bug] [union bug] BSL3_1949

As President, Bernie Sanders will provide dignity and security to all seniors by guaranteeing every American the right to a secure retirement, the opportunity to age in place in the community, and by expanding and improving Medicare to include dental, hearing and vision care.

Ensuring the right to a secure retirement and the right to age in place by:

•    Expanding Social Security
•    Protecting pensions
•    Guaranteeing comprehensive health care with Medicare for AII
•    Guaranteeing home and community based long-term care services with Medicare for AII
•    Slashing drug prices
•    Expanding the Older Americans Act
•    Protecting our most vulnerable seniors
•    Expanding and training the direct care workforce

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