Campaign Literature—Bernie 2020

Bernie 2020

Card - SC      
Brochure - IA
Brochures - NH
Brochure - NV

Brochure - SC

Brochure - MN 

Pledge Cards 

Brochure - IA revised
Brochures - NH revised Brochure - NV revised Brochure - SC revised


Sticker - NV  
Card - SC 

Door hangers - NV

Brochure - Spanish

Brochure - LGBTQ

Brochure - Veterans
Brochure - African American

Card - Student Debt  

Card - Labor 

Card - Seniors
Cards - Women

Chant Sheet - NV

Mini Brochure 

Flyers - Medicare for All

compare to Bernie 2016 lit.

The 2019-20 literature is quite different.  Medicare for All is front and center in the 2020 lit., while in 2016 the focus was on ending the rigged economy and taking on Wall Street.