Campaign Literature—Bernie 2020

            Bernie 2020

Revised Nevada Brochure. front, back and inside, 11" x 7", Jan. 2020.


Reminder: Caucus Day is on Saturday,
February 22, 2020

Vote Early
February 15 - February 18

An effective leader with the toughness to defeat Donald Trump

Leading the Fight for Medicare for All
Health care is a right of all people and families should not be bankrupted by a medical emergency. Bernie supports a Medicare for All program that will guarantee health care to all Americans and put the needs of our people over the profits of the insurance companies and the pharmaceutical industry. lnstead of worrying about insurance company profits, Bernie's plan will make sure rural hospitals remain open.

Taking on Powerful Special Interests
We will no longer accept 46% of all new income going to the top 1%, while millions are forced to work two or three low-wage jobs and half of our people live paycheck to paycheck. Bernie will end tax giveaways to the wealthy and large corporations so they pay their fair share. He will raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour so no one who works 40 hours a week lives in poverty.

College for All
Every person, regardless of their family income, should have the opportunity to attend college without going deeply into debt. Bernie will make public colleges, universities, and trade schools tuition free, and substantially lower student debt. Every American should be entitled to the quality education he/she needs to make it into the middle class.

Immigration Reform
We must stop the blatant profiteering of locking up immigrants and completely restructure our immigration system by establishing a humane policy that keeps families together and eliminates the need for barbaric immigration detention.

[Facebook  Twitter   Instagram]  BernieSanders

The Revolution

Early Voting:
You can go to any early voting site in your county!
Go to to find an early voting site near you.

You can register when you vote, or online at

Anyone can participate if they are a US Citizen who turns 18 years old before the general election November 3, 2020

Questions? Please call our hotline
Para más información sobre cómo votar, llame al
(775) 204-5079

Paid for by Bernie 2020  (not the billionaires)

[recycle bug]  [union bug]  011720 BSL8_2092-NV

ed. note: This is a revised version of the Nevada brochure.  The voting information is added to the front, and on the back panel voting information replaces the quote.  The interiors are identical.