Campaign Literature—Bernie 2020

                         Bernie 2020
Medicare For All Flyer, 8 1/2" x 11", Feb. 2020.

Did You Know That?
The TOP 1% has take 21 TRILLION since 1989
ONLY 49% Of People get their HEALTH INSURANCE from employers



American Workers Produce More Per Hour Since The Mid-1970s, But Our Average Per Hour Wage Has Not Gone Up

Healthcare In The US
How we finance healthcare in the United States enables the rich to get richer, while holding down worker wages, according to Nobel prize-winning economist Angus Deaton.

Mr. Deaton has described the US healthcare industry as a very bad example of: "crony
capitalism," contributing to increasing "deaths of despair."
[https:/ /]

So How Do We Pay For Medicare For All?

By taking back the wages and wealth that the CEO's and top 1% have taken from us. We end the takeaways of our healthcare benefits, wages and pensions, by taking back money that now goes to profits, executive salaries for insurance and pharmaceutical companies, unnecessary paperwork that denies us care, surprise medical bills, and uncontrolled costs like high drug prices and premiums we cannot afford.

All That Wasted Spending And Huge Profits

(Over $100 billion in 2018!) That the healthcare industry earned by denying us care because of high costs will be converted to guaranteed healthcare for all ages. No surprise medical bills, no insurance premiums, no co-pays, no deductibles. Longer life expectancies and much lower costs per person.

That's what Medicare for all means.

For details on the plan, visit:
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  BSL18_DYK    Paid for by Bernie 2020  (not the billionaires)