Campaign Literature—Bernie 2020

            Bernie 2020

Revised Iowa Brochure. front, back and inside, 11" x 7", Dec. 2019.


Caucus for Bernie | February 3, 2020

An effective leader with the toughness to defeat Donald Trump

Leading the Fight for Medicare for All
Health care is a right of all people and families should not be bankrupted by a medical emergency. Bernie supports a Medicare for All program that will guarantee health care to all Americans and put the needs of our people over the profits of the insurance companies and the pharmaceutical industry. lnstead of worrying about insurance company profits, Bernie's plan will make sure rural hospitals remain open.

Taking on Powerful Special Interests
We will no longer accept 46% of all new income going to the top 1%, while millions are forced to work two or three low-wage jobs and half of our people live paycheck to paycheck. Bernie will end tax giveaways to the wealthy and large corporations so they pay their fair share. He will raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour so no one who works 40 hours a week lives in poverty.

Revitalizing Rural America
In lowa, and all across rural America, we have seen family farmers go out of business as the prices they receive for their products decline rapidly and large agribusiness and factory farming take over. Bernie will create policies for rural America that create good paying jobs, provide broadband and improve educational opportunities. Our young people should not be forced to leave the communities they grew up in and love.

Returning to Clean Energy

lowa has always been on the cutting edge of the new energy economy, but DonaId Trump has let the fossil fuel industry write our national environmental rules. Bernie intends to transform our energy system away from fossil fuel and into energy efficiency and sustainable energy and, in the process, create millions of good-paying jobs.

[Facebook  Twitter   Instagram]  BernieSanders

"Welcome to a campaign that tells the powerful special interests that we will no longer tolerate the greed of Wall Street, corporate America and the billionaire class. Yes. We will create an economy and a government that works for all, not just the 1%."

                            Bernie Sanders

Nurses and Teachers Support Bernie, because they trust him to always fight for us.  [National Nurses United logo] [United Teachers Los Angeles logo]

Paid for by Bernie 2020  (not the billionaires)

[recycle bug]  [union bug]  112519_BSL8_1960_I

ed. note: Each of the four early state brochures was revised a bit for the close of the campaign.  For the Iowa brochure t
he inside is the same; the only changes are on the front and back.  On the front "Caucus for Bernie" and the date are added; on the back "Nurses and Teachers Support Bernie, because they trust him to always fight for us" and the logos.