Campaign Literature—Bernie 2020

  Bernie 2020
Cards - Women. front, back, 6" x 11", ea. 2020.

"The right wing in this country is waging a war against women, and let me be very clear, it is not a war that we are going to allow them to win."
Bernie Sanders
Paid for by Bernie 2020  (not the billionaires)
[recycle bug] [union bug] BSL3_1946  BS1946

Fighting for Women's Equality

* Fight for Pay Equity for Women.

lt is a national disgrace that women only earn 79 cents for every dollar a man earns. The gender pay gap is even worse for women of color. As president, Bernie will sign the Paycheck Fairness Act into law to end wage discrimination based on gender.

* Expand and Protect the Reproductive Rights of Women.

Extreme forces on the right are launching political attacks and pushing draconian laws at both the state and national level with the goal of ending a woman's right to choose. We must fight back together, and defend a woman's right to control her own body and economic future. That's why Bernie's Medicare-for-all plan includes coverage for the full range of women's reproductive health care.

[Facebook  Twitter   Instagram]  BernieSanders  

ed. note: Unclear why two nearly identical pieces were produced.  The only differences are the photos on the front and back and the ID codes (BSL3_1946 and BS1946).