1992 New Hampshire Presidential Primary

                           Cyril E. Sagan (D)
Flyer - 8 1/2" x 14".

To the Wisdom of New Hampshire

This dime can hardly improve your quality of life. It isn't even enough to buy a cup of coffee. Neither will your life improve much by proposed taxbreaks of $300 as recommended by some presidential candidates. We need more than "jump-start" schemes to keep our economy moving. We need a new fully charged "battery" to overcome our financial problems.

Lots of us have a queasy feeling about our future. Who would have imagined that the USA would crawl to the Japan and beg for economic relief? And just how possible is it for the U.S. to end up in bankruptcy and poverty as the Soviet Union, the other former world power?

We must not forget the $ 500 billion banking bailout our government has dumped onto taxpayers' laps at the same time Congress rewarded itself 40% pay raises.
But there is another $500 billion dollar burden placed at the doorsteps of taxpayers which only a few appreciate. According to respected economics professors S.P. Magee, W. A. Brock and L. Young one-half trillion dollars is lost from the U.S. Gross National Product by our legal system ("Black Holes and Endogenous Policy Theory" published by Cambridge University Press). This collosal sum is over and above legal fees. The authors say, "Each lawyer in the country is draining $1 million from the nation's economy ... many in quest to acquire the wealth of others."
If the American legal system is as good as lawyers claim it is why aren't our courtrooms filled to standing room only like our baseball and football fields? Admission is free. Courtrooms are unfilled because the public doesn't feel welcome, because people are afraid of their own courts and because lawyers like it that way.

Our Republic has been overrun by lawyers. The proof? Most presidential candidates are lawyers. Over 60% of our legislators are lawyers. All of our judges are lawyers.
"The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive and judiciary, in the same hands ... may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny. "
(James Madison)
We have a Great American Contradiction on our hands. The USA is a Republic. A republic is a nation of laws. Yet, Americans who are among the most educated people on Earth are illiterate in their law. This situation came about because we allowed elitists to make us believe the falsehood that law is too complicated for its owners, We the People. We have been calculatedly deprived of our laws, our individual contracts with the Republic in which we live. 

I first entered New Hampshire presidential primaries 12 years ago. The recommendations for a healthier, stronger America which I brought to you in 1978 is what I bring to you in 1992.

1. I recommend that education in Law be introduced in our school systems as required courses from kindergarten through college. The importance of learning law by Americans is second only to the requirement of learning the English language. Our students learn shorthand, science, auto mechanics and calculus. They certainly have the ability and the need to learn law.
"The strength to the Constitution lies entirely in the determination of each citizen to defend it. Only if every single citizen feels duty bound in this defense are the constitutional rights secure." (Albert Einstein)
2. I recommend that our government's CEO's, president and congressmen, take substantial pay cuts over the next 6 years, or until they formulate an acceptable plan for the country to regain its stability. Hardships suffered by low and middle class Americans must include high government officials. Call it a "trickle up principle". These salary reductions are not intended to generate large money savings but they are intended to generate much needed public confidence in government.

America's frontier today is not beyond its borders. It is within those borders. We have go to pull ourselves together.

For a minimum-wage salary I'll be the president you and the nation need.

Respectfully yours,
Cyril E. Sagan
Cyril E. Sagan
Candidate for U.S. President

RD 2, Volant, PA 16156
Place of birth:
Springdale, Pennsylvania
University of Pittsburgh (BS), Wayne State University (Ms), Cornell University (PhD)
Professor in Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education, since 1964