1992 New Hampshire Presidential Primary

                           Andre Marrou/Nancy Lord (L)

Brochure - opens to 8 1/2" x 11".

Andre Marrou and Nancy Lord
1992 Libertarian Presidential Ticket

The Libertarian Party
is the Party of the future. The LP is America's third largest and fastest growing party. It has elected over one hundred candidates, and in 1990 polled over five million votes.

A Party of Principle

The LP has always stood for personal freedom and self responsibility. No Libertarian has ever raised your taxes or increased government spending. In fact, Libertarians have stopped or repealed taxes, including the Alaska income tax.

Libertarian Ideas are American Ideas
The Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights are libertarian documents. We believe, as the Founders did, that people must be left free to live their own lives, must be responsible for their own actions, and must not harm others. The only just role for government is to defend us against force and fraud. The Constitution and the Bill of Rights limited government to that role, but the politicians have gone beyond those limits.

The LP Challenges Us to Fight Back
A 3% tax led The Founders to rebel against England. Now our taxes are nearly 50%. This money is wasted. The government gives billions to foreign governments, millions more to farmers who grow no food, and thousands to cover Congressional bounced checks. They've even given millions to both tobacco farmers and campaigns against smoking.


The Libertarian Way

Let's stop giving billions to foreign governments, millions to farmers who grow no food, thousands for Congressional privilege, and millions more to tobacco companies. Let's make government do its real job — keep our streets safe and our land defended.

What if your bill for government went from 50% of earnings to 10% or less? What if your spendable income nearly doubled? What would your life be like? What causes would you support? What could you do for your children?

Nothing is free. The government's supposed free services cost dearly. You pay for waste and political favors. Get more for your money. Confine government to the protection of your safety, and both your safety and your wealth will grow. We'll have safe streets, a strong economy, and the money we need to give our children the education they deserve.

That's the Libertarian Way — you choose — government waste and inefficiency, or
safety and abundance for you and your family?

To help build this responsible alternative to the old parties, call or write ...

The Marrou/Lord Campaign
P. O. Box 12417
Las Vegas, NV 89112
(702) 434-6362

About Andre Marrou, the Libertarian Presidential Nominee
Andre Marrou is a graduate of MIT and has worked as an engineering manager. Marrou was elected in 1984 to the Alaska State Legislature where he introduced legislation to limit the size of government and reduce taxes. In 1988 Marrou was the LP vice-presidential nominee and running mate of Congressman Ron Paul.

About Nancy Lord, the Libertarian Vice-Presidential Nominee
Nancy Lord has degrees in medicine and law and is an attorney specializing in medical-legal and constitutional issues. As a businesswoman Lord could see first-hand how taxation and bureaucratic regulation were stifling entrepreneurship; this sparked her decision to run for mayor of Washington, D.C. in 1990.