1992 New Hampshire Presidential Primary

        Patrick Mahoney (D)
Brochure - opens to
8 1/2" x 11".

It's time to get involved!
It's time to return the Democratic Party back to the real Democrats!

FEBRUARY 18, 1992

It's time to send a message to the Democratic Party, that we need to return to Pro-Family, Pro-American and working class roots!

A Personal Message From Pat

Warm Greetings to my friends in New Hampshire:

I would like to take a moment and share why I've entered the Democratic race for the President. It can can be summed up in the following story and profound question. Imagine with me, a Presidential candidate addressing a group of New Hampshire residents 30 years ago. Here are some of the things they would say: 30 years from now 28 million children will be killed from legal abortion. In 30 years, there will be a disease called AIDS that will kill thousands of Americans with no cure. Our nation's capital will be the murder capital of our country. Our cities will be a haven for substance abuse, crime, despair and unemployment. Prayer will be removed from public schools and they will become centers of violence instead of learning and growth. Crack cocaine will destroy the lives of youth. Our national debt will be over 3 trillion dollars with no end in sight. Millions will find themselves out of work and living under bridges like animals in "the land of the free and the home of the brave."

If a candidate would have said this 30 years ago, no one would have believed them. Yet, all of these things are occuring around us daily. The question that must be asked is, "If we do not get involved, WHERE WILL WE BE THIRTY YEARS FROM TODAY." That is why I am running as President. I want to restore and reaffirm the powerful ideals and principles that made America and the Democratic Party great. I want to challange every American to rise out of their apathy and indifference and work together to pass the torch of freedom and hope to their children.

Please join me on February 18th and send a message to Washington that it is time to give the Democratic Party back to the "real" Democrats and restore America
Thank you and God Bless,


Patrick Mahoney is a Democratic candidate for President

• Patrick Mahoney is the only announced candidate who is Pro-Family, Pro­-Working Class and Pro-Life.

• Patrick Mahoney has championed the cause of Human Rights around the world.
Some of his activities have included:
    • establishing food pantries and soup kitchens
    • sleeping in dumpsters to bring to light the plight of the homeless
    • assisting Irish farmers in rebuilding their border roads

• Patrick Mahoney has a vision for this country that is guided by Christian principles.

• Patrick Mahoney will fight for the rights of American families and workers and will not be influenced by special interest groups.

• Patrick Mahoney is the ONLY real Democrat in this race.

FEBRUARY 18, 1992


• Term limitations for politicians and ceiling caps on election spending.

• Flexible Freeze on the budget with Presidential line item veto.

• A human life amendment to end abortion on demand for the full nine months of pregnancy .

• End most favored trade staus with China until democratic reforms are addressed.

• Call for the removal of British troops from the North of Ireland and institute talks for reunification.

• A return of the Democratic Party to the protection of the American family and their values.

• A voucher system, and tax credit, for parents who send their children to private or home school.

• A national health care program and policy.

• A compassionate and equitable social program for the poor, fragmented, and wounded of our society.

• A flat tax system.

• The establishment of a "Marshall Plan" for business to protect jobs, stimulate the economy and build global competition through education and a fair trade policy.

_YES! I support Pat Mahoney for President.
_ I'd like to volunteer. Here's how I want to help Pat Mahoney:
_Volunteer recruitment
_Fund Raising
_Door-to-door canvassing 
_Letters-to-the-editor team
_Work at campaign headquarters (mailings, phone banks, etc.)

_I want to contribute. Here's my check for $ ______ made payable to: "Mahoney for President". (No corporate checks please; $1,000 maximum donation per person.

Mahoney For President • 795 Elm St., Suite 500, Manchester, NH 03101 (603) 625-2466
Paid for by Mahoney for President, Michelle Stiles, Treasurer

Mailer - opens to 8 1/2" x 11".


• Term limitations for politicians and ceiling caps on election spending

• Flexible Freeze on the budget with Presidential line item veto

• A human life amendment to end abortion on demand for the ful nine months of pregnancy

• A flat tax system
• End most favored trade status with China until democratic reforms are addressed

• Call for the removal of British troops from the North of Ireland and institute talks for reunification

• A return of the Democratic Party to the protection of the American family and their values

• A voucher system and tax credit for parents who send their children to private or home school

• A national health care program and policy

• The establishment of a "Marshall Plan" for business to protect jobs, stimulate the economy and build global competition through education and a fair trade policy


Dear Friends,

It is time for all of us to make a difference and send a strong message to the Democratic Party and Washington DC. Our party once stood for protecting the American family and the American dream. Our party once embraced the values that made our country a beacon of hope and freedom for the entire world. Democrats led the way in fighting for the rights of all Americans, regardless of race, creed, color or gender. Sadly, this is not the case today. We have become the party of abortion on demand for the full nine months of pregnancy. The Democratic party is more concerned
about the rights of radical fringe groups than the American family. lt is time to hand our party back to the REAL Democrats, middle class America! On February 18th, you can send a message to the Democratic Party. To vote for MAHONEY is to support the dignity of human life. A vote for MAHONEY is a vote to take the party away from the power brokers and political elitists. And finally, a vote for MAHONEY is a vote to turn the party away from radical special interest groups and return it back to the values that made America great!

Thank you.

Tabloid - opens to 23" x 13 3/4".

It's time to send a message to the Democratic Party, that we need to return to Pro-Family, Pro-American and working class roots!

A Personal Message From Pat
Warm Greetings:
It is time for all of us to· make a difference and send a strong message to the Democratic Party and Washington DC.Our party once stood for protecting the American family and the American dream. Our party once embraced the values that made our country a beacon of hope and freedom for the entire world. Democrats led the way in fighting for the rights of all Americans, regardless of race, creed, color or gender. Sadly, this is not the case today. We have become the party of abortion on demand through the entire nine months of pregnancy. The Democratic party is more concerned about the rights of radical fringe groups than the American family. It is time to hand our party back to REAL Democrats, middle class Americans! On February 18th, you can send a message to the Democratic party.

To vote for Mahoney is to support the dignity of human life. A vote for Mahoney is a vote to take the party away from the power brokers and political elitists.And finally, a vote for Mahoney is a vote to tum the party away from radical special interest groups and return it back to the values that made America great!

February 18th

Patrick J. Mahoney

For more information, contact:
Mahoney '92, 795 Elm St., Suite 500
Manchester, NH 03101
Paid for by Mahoney for President, Michelle Stiles, Treasurer

An Urgent Message For Catholic Voters Inside

Here's What Catholic Voters are saying about Patrick Mahoney

The Democratic Party used to protect Catholic values and interests. Our party had the first Catholic President. We fought for the working class, the under dog, the down trodden. When Catholic immigrants came to America and had to work sixteen hours in sweatshops, it was the Democratic Party that stood up for their rights. What has happened? It seems our party and its leadership are more interested in tearing down marriage, the family, faith in God, respect for our country and working class gains. The Democratic Party allowed Gov. Doug Wilder to put forth deplorable anti-Catholic bigotry concerning Justice Clarence Thomas and said nothing. As a Catholic, I encourage fellow Democrats to send a message to our party; stop ignoring us, stop mocking us and start protecting us.
Vote for Patrick Mahoney on February 18th and let the democratic Party know they-cannot win without us.


Because of the Catholic values my parents hold, they were concerned about my educational environment. They chose for me a private, Catholic school for twelve years of my education. The expense of such a choice was often a burden. Pat Mahoney is for an educational voucher system concerning private and home schools. Mahoney supports parents' choices on the best way to educate their children without governmental interference.
Mahoney is also the only Democrat who is pro-life. All the other Democrats support abortion throughout the entire nine months of pregnancy. Mahoney is giving the pro-life voters a real choice.


As a Catholic mother, I find what has happened to the Democratic Party tragic. I see their main candidates supporting the use of condoms among teens instead of self-esteem. They support lesbian and gay activity instead of traditional family values. They even call me "anti-choice" because I believe in giving the man and woman in the womb a choice to live. The question keeps spinning in my head, "Who is the god they worship?"
My married life has been to build love, respect and self-esteem into my children, as well as myself and my husband. It would violate everything my life has been to vote for these Democratic candidates. I would be inviting more harm than good to this nation by their band-aid and immoral approaches to our problems. Thank God there is a candidate that follows the traditional Democratic Party line. That candidate is Patrick Mahoney -a man who supports the family and traditional American values. With him in the race, my conscience knows there is a decent choice to bring Americans of conscience to the polls.
Make sure to support family values and vote for Mahoney on February 18th. Karen

Pat Mahoney is the only Democratic candidate for President for anyone who seeks truth. His vision on all the issues is guided and blessed by the spirit that this country was founded on. Our laws were based on the British Common Law which was inspired by the Bible. Dedicated to be one nation under God, Pat has been blessed with a beautiful Christian faith and backs up his words with well planned actions.
As a Catholic, I am greatly concerned that the Democratic Party is keeping this candidate hidden and has chosen not to promote him. He has true vision on many issues including foreign policy, abortion and health care. He sees the basic truth that many candidates overlook.


To me Patrick Mahoney is the only choice for President of our country. I work in the Human Service field and all the cuts imposed by the Republicans have really caused a lot of hardship for me and others in my family. But as I look around the Democratic Party, my heart sinks. I am a Catholic who believes very much in the sanctity of life from the moment of conception until a natural death (for all people including handicapped individuals). The lack of concern for human life shown by the Democratic Party has in the past forced me to vote Republican. I was overjoyed when I discovered that there was a candidate (Patrick Mahoney) who not only upholds my pro-life values but also all my Christian values and my belief in this great country of ours. It is essential for all Catholics who support these rights to vote for Pat Mahoney.

Why do I want to vote for Pat Mahoney?
As a Christian, I've been handed too many false promises from past presidential candidates and "frankly", I've seen no reason for voting in the past eight years.
Now, Pat Mahoney, having.presented himself in the way that he has, one who truly can identify with the need for changes this country so desperately needs, I can't think of a better reason to start voting again.
As said in his statement regarding the past thirty years of our country's history, I can't bear to imagine what will happen if we go on like this for another thirty years.
So "people" I say to you, if you care at all about the future of this country, the future of our "families", please do yourselves a favor, "make a difference", and VOTE FOR PAT MAHONEY.


Comments from Catholics for Mahoney
   Catholics for Mahoney is an ad hoc group of New Hampshire Catholics who feel that Patrick Mahoney best represents our values and principles and that he will work toward upholding our rights. As Catholics we are proud of our long standing history of social justice and equality for all members of our society. Our faith has branched out to provide comfort, relief and compassion for the down trodden and needy. A person does not have to travel far to find a soup kitchen, food pantry, clothing bank or shelter for the homeless that is run by Catholics.
   The Catholic faith has also produced some of America's most effective statesmen and political leaders, the vast majority of them were Democrats. They have provided courage in times of fear, inspiration in times of despair, and clear leadership in an uncertain future.
   That same Democratic party however, in the last 20 years has turned its back on the Catholic community. Our values have been violated, and ou
r beliefs have been mocked. Major political and social leaders have made comments laced with anti-Christian bigotry and the Democratic Party has said nothing. Our churches have been defaced, our sacraments desecrated, and our Bishops and Cardinals vilified. Yet Ron Brown and the Democratic Party refuse to speak up. It seems every religion and group is defended by this party but ours.
    That is why Catholics for Mahoney is asking you to vote for Patrick Mahoney on February 18th. A vote for Mahoney will send a message to the Democratic Party that the Catholics must be welcomed back into the Democratic family. The Catholics of New Hampshire can send a powetful message to the nation that Democrats cannot win the White House without us. A vote for Mahoney will signal that anti-Catholic bigotry in the Democratic Party must come to an end.

Statement of Catholics for Mahoney
   "As Catholics, we have a responsibility to speak out on the issues of human rights. In these human rights issues, we believe in the teachings of the Scriptures, bishops throughout the world, and the Holy Father, the Pope. The most important life issue addressed by the church today is that of abortion, which was condemned along with infanticide by the Second Vatican Council as, "UNSPEAKABLE CRIMES'.
   In this statement we address all of our Catholic brothers and sisters as well as all persons of good will. The issue of abortion is not a narrow sectarian one, but a foundational human issue that touches every citizen of this country regardless of creed. To speak out against racial discrimination, social injustice or abortion is not to force values upon society, rather it is to call to the attention of our society its own long accepted moral principles and commitment to defend basic human rights and dignity.     
   Catholics who are recognized as public figures and enjoy a place of prominence with the community, have a special duty to be faithful in both word and deed to the faith they profess. True conviction will not allow itself to be emptied of meaning when challenged in public life. We must support and defend our most cherished principles when they are questioned.
   Membership in the Catholic Church requires accepting the teachings and creed of the church. To pick and choose from the church's teachings what one accepts and what one rejects is not the definition of a faithful member of the church. Jesus called upon His disciples to accept even His hard sayings if they were to remain true to His teaching.
   Every Catholic must recognize abortion as the killing of an unborn child and work to limit this tragedy in our society. As Catholics, we proclaim the basic right to life of every human being, born or unborn and denounce the objective evil that is abortion.
   Repudiating publicly the teaching of the church and encouraging others to do the same must be confronted. This is not a question of the right to free speech. It is a matter of false representation. One cannot claim to be a Catholic in good standing in the church while publicly rejecting and advocating the abandonment of its teachings. it is impossible for a Catholic to be in a right relationship with the church and support and vote for candidates who advocate, endorse, or accept "pro­-choice" principles in their public life.
   In closing, our concern for the life of the unborn child must be matched by our sensitivity and love for women with unexpected or problem pregnancies. Every effort must be made by our churches as well as the civil government to assist pregnant woman especially those pressured to seek a solution through abortion. In many churches there are programs established to help pregnant women through such efforts as the Good Beginnings, and Our Place programs or with Project Rachel for the woman suffering from past abortion trauma."
   In light of this public statement, Catholics for Mahoney encourages all Catholics and persons of good will who are members of the Democratic Party or Independents to vote for Patrick Mahoney on February 18th. He is the only Democratic candidate who affirms the right of the unborn child, as well as being a strong advocate for human and civil rights on the most pressing of social justice issues.

A Personal Message From Pat's Wife, Katie
As Pat's wife and best friend of over 18 years, I would like to give you some insight and candid background into Pat, the husband, the father, the activist. Often we can hear convincing rhetoric and sound positions of purpose and yet never get a glimpse of the man behind the message.

Pat and I are the proud parents of three wonderful daughters; Tara: 11, Kaitlin: 6, and Dillon: 3. Their lives, entrusted to our care, are one of the greatest privileges and joys, as well as profoundresponsibilities, that we share. In fact, one of the main reasons for getting involved politically is that we will someday leave this country to our children. We feel that it is our duty to secure their liberty for the future.

Both Pat and myself were born in the baby-boom era (1954 & 1955 respec­tively) in the Jersey Shore area, in a time of great turbulence and change. Pat has shared with me that he was intensely affected by the slaying of Dr. Martin Luther King and the civil rights movement and even in his youth was very socially aware and active. We met and married young, attended college together and worked side by side partners in our field in the first several years of our marriage. We essentially grew together in our hopes and aspirations in those formative years. From the start I could see that Pat was different, a man of deep committment and high ideals, so high that he would sometimes find it difficult to live up to his own expectations and spend long hours in soul searching self examination.

Starting out working with drug addicts and gang members in New York City, Pat's heart of empathy quickly drove him to working with the needy and oppressed. Soon, by the sheer presence of the need before us, we were so socially involved as to become "activists", working not only to meet the ever present needs but to remedy the problem at the root. Working mostly outside the system at a social level, becoming involved in the political realm was initially one of the furthest things from our minds! Pat was always a devoted Democrat ideal­istically but the party had strayed so far from being a voice of the people, held hostage by special interest groups, that his feeling seemed to be that he could do more good outside the mechanics of government than in it.

Because of this, in a positive sense, Pat has never been part of the inner political circle. Yet he has paid his dues in the real world of dealing first hand with the issues. Together we have spent a winter's night in a cold trash receptacle to feel and show the plight of the homeless in New England, from which Pat helped to establish an Emergency Shelter. We have touched the lives of the needy living on the edge of despair, cooking and serving in a weekly soup kitchen to help alleviate a tiny portion of their fears for the future and restore the dignity lost in their need. Pat has worked with a battered women's shelter, been an advocate for the families of those stricken with mental illness and , discriminated against, and fought so that the rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness may be secured for all, from the unborn child to the aged, in all mental, physical and developmental stages. He has affirmed over and over, through his actions, that all human beings have dignity and worth and no one has the right to take away that inherent worth or choose who has value and who does not.

There came a time, however, where Pat realized that to be a voice and representative of the people would be the only feasible way to affect change within the system of government. Indeed, God has ordained government for the peace and saftey of it's members. It was not without some reluctance that Pat decided that our corrupt political system must be reformed. As thoughts of the state of our Union are freshly stirred, how can we honestly call our nation the champion of liberty and the bastion of justice for the world when we ignore the rights of certain "disposable" groups for whom we choose our convenience and their death. A preborn child violently killed every 20 seconds, the sick and elderly starved to death purposely, medical treatment withheld from disabled newborns ... Surely undermining the pillars of our dearest held values and the most basic principles of western civil­ization shall cause our collapse and destruction. Our government, our nation, our cities, our towns cry out for clear and courageous leadership to save this the greatest union on earth.

In the many years since I've been married to Pat, I have come to admire and be amazed at the tenacity and , courage of this man in his valiant stand for justice and the value of all human life. Obstacles have come, as they do in all of our lives yet Pat has the extraor­dinary ability and giftedness to see I beyond the immediate circumstances and the setbacks and go on in the face of struggles. This rare virture, which enables Pat to get the job done, is one that is so sorely lacking in our leadership of today. He is a man of vision and purpose, guided by the wisdom of family and Judeo-Christian values, by which he lives the reality of the average American life every day.

Our great nation, once a leader in education, industrial advances, and technology and moral integrity is now floundering. It is failing with politicians at it's helm that have disregarded the call of a "public servant", to be career professionals in a separate world of politics. Americans coast to coast are echoing their lack of faith in our government, we've had enough. Our eyes that have slumbered for the past few decades are now opening, and we don't like what we see! What hope is there for this country if our very leaders are unwilling to come out of their political elitism, humble themselves before God and the people and acknowledge the total failure and straying from our origianl purpose and committrnent as a nation? Something is desperately wrong. We need men and women that will step out of the safety and comfort of Capitol Hill strategists and be real leaders, regardless of the cost. ls it possible for a politician today to "do the right thing" and not be pressed into what someone else wants them to be?

With assurance, I can tell you that Pat breaks the mold. He is not interested in high powered cavorting nor the incredibly staggering financial strings that pull our legislators. Our founding fathers would be ashamed and dismayed at the political machine that we have become, furled by money and power. They would not recognize the so called "rights" that the politically correct have claimed at the expense of others. It is Pat's desire, with God's help, to return the power bases to the people. Pat, never one for just going with the flow, has proven that he will stand up to the powers that be, as a David against Goliath, not in his own strength alone, but the strength of God and the basic principles of freedom, justice and the inalienable rights through which our nation was breathed into being. We, the people, can make a difference! Under the fresh leadership of an unspoiled man, our nation may once again find hope in the words of President Lincoln: "that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom-and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth".

For this reason, Pat, with the support and mutual consent of his family, has agreed to commit himself to this presidential race, to the work of plowing the now petrified moral ground of our nations conscience. We do not take the seeking of this high calling lightly, it was birthed through much prayer and trusted counsel. He is striving to once again waken the American heart and soul and to lead them to greatness. It is by faith, family and genuine work that we will regain our strength and be a leader and a light among nations, a standard of what men govemed by good may be- a place where those yearning to breathe free may find solace and opportunity for betterment.

Please stand with Pat and be a part in restoring America. Each and every one of us is vitally important and together there is hope. It's time to get involved! It is our children who will either pay the price for our apathy, or reap the benefits of our sowing seeds now. May God bless you and youpr family as you rise up to the occasion before it's too late.

Remember VOTE Mahoney for President February 18th

The Mahoney Campaign Is Calling For:

• A national health care program and policy.

• A compassionate and equitable social program for the poor, fragmented and wounded of our society.

• A flat tax system.

The establishment of a "Marshall Plan" for business to protect jobs, stimulate the economy and build global competition through education and a fair trade policy

• Call for the removal of British troops from the North of Ireland and institute talks for reunification.

• A return of the Democratic Party to the protection of the American family and their values.

• A voucher system, and tax credit for parents who send their children to private or home school.

• Term limitations for politicians and ceiling caps on election spending.

• Flexible freeze on the budget with Presidential line item veto.

• A human life amendment to end abortion on demand for the full nine months of pregnancy.

• End most favored trade status with China until democratic reforms are addressed.