1992 New Hampshire Presidential Primary

                           Paul Fisher (D)

Flyer - 8 1/2" x 11".
Vote For Freedom!
The Second American Revolution Has Begun!

"Live Free or Die!" This is a call to battle against an ineffective, corrupt political system that has brought a severe depression to millions of our people. This time, because of huge debts, we cannot borrow our way out!

We're rapidly polluting the land, the water and the air we breath with no effective force in sight that can save us from our headlong plunge toward self­destruction. There are scientific answers to the problems that threaten to destroy us. When we find and apply those better answers, we shall forever change the way we govern ourselves.

As a successful inventor, I have used the scientific technique to develop common sense answers to the problems that threaten our civilization. I have spent over 40 years in preparing a PLAN which will lead to a second renaissance, in which the scientific technique will be used to help make this a happier and safer world.

Before our government can solve its problems, we must learn to choose leaders who have the dedication and courage required to put accuracy, truth and honesty above all other motives including their desire to be elected!

Our Congress has written the tax laws to keep the rich, rich and the poor, poor. poor. This MUST be changed. Government should equally protect the rights of every citizen by limiting the power of all monopolies, including its own. We need a highly competitive free market and a rapid turnover of wealth, where it is easy to become rich, if one works efficiently, but hard to stay rich, if one doesn't.

There is no excuse for a peacetime federal deficit nor this recession. This
nation has over $50 trillion worth of taxable assets, most of which are being hoarded by financial monopolies that have acquired their wealth because of special privileges provided by our government, and yet are not paying their fair share of the tax load.

Most financial monopolies are created and protected by our government's laws and policies. Regardless of who owns most of our nation's wealth and assets, they should pay for their special privileges and for the protection which our government provides.

An average 4 percent tax on this nation's assets (after exempting everyone's first $200,000 worth) will raise over $1.5 trillion per year, wiping out our current deficit, and allowing us to abolish all income and payroll taxes!

This will increase the take-home pay of everyone who works by 20 to 40 percent, putting $2,000,000,000 extra each day into the pockets of many who need and deserve it most. They will spend it, creating the most stable prosperity in history.

If you want this to happen, vote for me. If my name is not on your ballot, write-m "Paul Fisher" for President!

Paul Fisher
For President

Until Feb 18, 1992
Howard Johnson Hotel
298 Queen City Ave.
Manchester ,N. H. 03102
Phone: (603) 668-2600

Paul Fisher
c/o Fisher Space Pen Co.
711 Yucca Street
Boulder City, NV 89005
Phone: (800) 634-3494
Paid for by Paul Fisher for President, Jeff Forcier, Fiscal Agent

Join The Revolution!

American needs a strong leader who is a proven crusader for justice, an experienced businessman and scientist with a dedication to absolute accuracy, truthfulness and honesty, and with the wisdom required to help us make this a happier and safer world!

Paul Fisher is that leader!

Write your Democratic Convention Delegates requesting that they help nominate Paul Fisher as their Candidate for President -- or just sign and mail the letter below.

Also make four copies of this (both sides) and send them on to your friends, so that the chain may go on.
The Convention meets on July 13th, Madison Square Garden, P.O.Box 1992, New York, NY 10116-1992. Act at once before it is too late.

Sincerely yours,
Jeffrey A. Forcier
Susan Forcier

Jeff and Sue Forcier

2 Prospect Street, Manchester, New Hampshire 03104 Phone: (603) 647-2300

Mr. Chris Spirou, Chairman of New Hampshire's Democratic Party
150 North Main Street
Concord, New Hampshire 03301

I urge the nomination of Paul Fisher for President, as the candidate who knows how to end the depression!

Paid for by Paul Fisher for President, Jeff Forcier, Fiscal Agent