1992 New Hampshire Presidential Primary

         Paul B. Conley (R)
Brochure - opens to
8 1/2" x 11".

Republican PAUL B. CONLEY for President

I'm a Farmer
Why should only the wealthy be elected?
Contributions of only $100 or less accepted
Follow the Declaration of Independence

I am Paul B. Conley, of R.D. #1 Box 252, Schenevus, New York 12155, a candidate for U.S. President in the New Hampshire Primary. I am a Republican and a farmer, live on a hill and have a small herd of beef cattle. A son assists me with the cattle.

My birthplace was Jamaica, New York. I lived there until I was three, then grew up in Cranford, New Jersey where I finished high school. After two years of college at Hamilton College, Clinton, New York, I worked for a textile firm in new York, as a salesman with a chemical company and as a junior executive in a copper company.

I was in the Army for about six years, serving in the infantry as a front line officer with the 4th Infantry Division. After a year in the hospital, I moved to the farm in New York State. I married Irene Kinney, a teacher at Schenevus Central School, and we have lived in our house built in 1820 for over 40 years. We have two daughters and five sons. My wife is retired from teaching and is now Town Assessor, Secretary of the Planning Board and Secretary of the Zoning Planning Board. I am retired from the Army for disability and from the U.S. Post Office in Schenevus, where I was a rural carrier for 19 years.

I am running for President because I believe the local, concerned citizen should have an opportunity to strive for the office. Why should only the rich be elected?
The Declaration of Independence states "We hold to the truth as self-evident, that all men are created equal and are endowed with certain inalienable rights, among them being Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness."

As a nation, we are striving to follow the creed that all men are created equal and slowly we are accomplishing this. Barriers must be dissolved, hatreds and prejudices should turn to charity, since we breath the same air, drink our country's water and consume food from its soil. This is some of the life as described in the Declaration of Independence. And this life means the life of unborns, newborns and elders is precious to the land.


LIBERTY is something we fight to maintain, yet liberty does not mean a citizen can do anything he or she wishes, regardless of a neighbor. We cannot be on drugs, be an alcoholic, steal from fellow citizens or be sexually undisciplined without taking away our neighbors liberty. Liberty for all means we must be responsible, follow the laws, stay on the right side of the road and go by the rules. Since the founding of our nations, soldiers have given their lives to keep this Nation, under God, a Democracy of the people, by the people and for the people. The Bible should be put back in the schools.

INTERNATIONAL FINANCIERS are siphoning our currency away. The gold and silver are gone. We should do away with the Federal Reserve Board and put the currency in the hands of Congress, elected officials. Get the Council for Foreign Relations out as department heads. Get the wall street bankers out of the treasury department and the federal bond business. Sell bonds as we did in World War II. Let the local citizens take part.

FARMING - I am interested in the family farm, where families till the soil, raise a family and are the backbone of our rural areas. The family farms need financial assistance, such as tax relief and a subsidy to keep the family on the farm. Farmers should have a retirement system similar to teachers retirement, where land could be put in a land trust, and the farmer receive a pension comparable to what his farm equity would give him, based on production.

Crops should be grown not only for food, but for regeneration of the soil and for energy such as bio­ gas and alcohol. I would encourage farmers to be organic farmers. We should stop importing crops which hurt our country's farmer. On a beef tour in October, a government employee told us half the meat consumed in the U.S. is imported. This hurts our farmers who pay taxes, struggle long hours and incur large debts.

WATER - a pump storage system should be developed around the U.S. to preserve water from floods, and spring thaw, to keep herbicides and pesticides away from stored water. The water would produce electrical energy when used. Such systems would be an asset to our nation.

IMPORTS - our country should not be a dumping ground for foreign goods. All the foreign goods pouring into our country can't help but cost jobs, and hurt our industrial strength. There were lots of jobs when the government was spending so much on the military all adding to the deficit. Imports should be balanced by wages and a reciprocity agreement. There are very few goods made in the U.S.A. in any stores I shop in.

DEFICIT - where does the interest go? And who gets the rest of the interest? I understand Japan gets 10 billion a month from the interest on our bonds they hold. As President I would veto spending until a program for deficit reduction was adopted. NO NEW TAXES.

HEALTH - We need health centers in every community. The government would give matching funds to the area, so the citizens would be involved financially. Tickets would be sold with coupons for care at the center, a ticket for surgery and one for catastrophic need. Catatrosphic care would be given in V.A. hospitals and government hospitals already established. The Air Force would fly patients to the hospitals. The citizens would contribute by buying the books. Our capitalistic systems should be able to give cheap medical care in the U.S. to all citizens. AIDS patients should be taken to special hospitals, like our T.B. hospitals which were specialized for the best care.

YOUTH CORPS - A youth corps should be established to work on conservation and the environment along with a study program for a period of one or two years. These young people could help care for the elderly.

RETIRED PEOPLE - should be encouraged to use their talents by instructing college groups, school programs, welfare people, help in health care centers and teach the unemployed.

WELFARE recipients should be required to learn a trade or skill, to take courses even in their homes, to become proficient. Encourage single mothers to marry by giving better incentives and encourage the family unit for youngsters.

PRISONERS - should be required to learn skills or a trade, be constantly taught and should be moved every few months to new or different facilities.
DRUGS - the country should be drug free. Anyone arrested for drug use, possession or dealing would go to rehabilitation centers, former military camps and given courses in drug prevention. Drug users should be taken off th
e streets.

INCOME TAX - a flat tax is necessary. The tax not only takes income from citizens, it stymies incentive.

NUCLEAR WASTE - Stop producing electric energy by nuclear power, since the waste can not be neutralized for safe storage or any use.
WASTE - all waste must be recycled. On a new car, $300 should be added to the price, to be held in escrow until the final owner turns the car in for part of the $300 and the remainder would be used to dismantle the car by a car company and recycle the parts as material. A penny should be added to all food and items sold in stores to pay for the recycling endeavors.
PROFIT SHARING - Labor and management are in a war with each other. The profits of a company should be shared with labor, so both labor and management enjoy the profits of the success of the industry.
EDUCATION - is extremely important. All users of drugs, alcohol, drug dealing, smoking or sexual practices opposite from the mores of our society, should be put in a special school for extra attention and help. Education is too expensive to allow students not interested in learning to disturb regular classes. A good system of rules and compliance can only help a school.

GOALS- we must reestablish the goals of the Pilgrims and the Nations' fore-fathers who put the Bible and religion first. The Bible, which is still used to swear in our government officials should be put back in the school. We must honor the family as the basis of our society. I believe our Supreme Court had no right to pass on removing the bible from the educational system since the first Amendment does not allow Congress to in any way inhibit religion. Those who instituted this Nation put "In God We Trust" on our currency, because they knew any nation can flounder if it does not Trust God or Live by His Son's teaching.

Your vote will be appreciated to help me.

Any contributions can be sent to
Paul B. Conley, R.D. #1 Box 252, Schenevus, New York 12155.
