1992 New Hampshire Presidential Primary

                           Committee to Draft Ralph Nader for President

Flyer/Letter - 8 1/2" x 11".

Committee to Draft Ralph Nader for President
81 Hanover St.
Manchester, NH 03101  (603) 641-5577

Dear Ralph Nader supporter:

You can help make history in 1992.

As you know, a massive effort is under way here to write in Ralph Nader for President in the New Hampshire primary February 18.

"We've got to try a new way to give people a voice," Nader told a cheering crowd of 600 in Nashua recently. "If citizens aren't satisfied with their choices, they can write in my name as a protest vote."

I'm sure you know who Ralph Nader is--and admire what he stands for. For 25 years, he's fought the good fight against giant, abusive corporations and a corrupt, uncaring government. He's led the battle for term limits, and against pay raises for the career politicians. Now he's taking his ideas onto the hustings, unveiling a program for what he calls "democratic redemption."

He's the person we need in the White House--someone with integrity ... someone with courage ... someone who will turn back the tide of corruption and greed. Finally, here's someone you can feel good about voting for.

The success of the Nader campaign rests in your hands. If Nader wins in New Hampshire, he could go all the way to the White House. Here are two vital things you could do:

1. Make a financial contribution to the campaign. Please contribute $25 or $50 or $100 or as much as $1,000 today.

2. Volunteer some time. Call our Manchester office at 641-5577 and offer your services.

If you've ever thought it would be a wonderful idea to elect Ralph Nader as President, now's your chance.

I hope you'll take it. Please respond today.


Ken Deutsch
New Hampshire Coordinator

Paid for by The Committee to Draft Ralph Nader for President. Carl Mayer and Matthew Rothschild, Co-Treasurers.