1992 Republican Presidential Primary

            Ron Paul for President Exploratory Committee
Fundraising Letter (4 Pages).                                                

Ron Paul

Republican for President
November 5, 1991

Dear Friend of Liberty:

America is in trouble--our freedom and prosperity under siege by that Mother of All Enemies, Washington, D.C.

We can't look to the Democrats. Ex-Gov. Jerry Brown is a flake. So is Sen. "Moonbeam" Kerrey. Gov. Bill Clinton is a big spender. Ex-Sen. Paul Tsongas is another Dukakis. Gov. Doug Wilder is Mr. Race Quota. Gov. Mario Cuomo is a left­liberal. And Sen. Tom Harkin is a New Dealer. What a bunch!

As to that "Nelson Rockefeller, Jr.," in the White House, George Bush is:

Raising our taxes (and lying about it);

Spending faster than any president since FOR;

Making $400 billion deficits seem normal;

Putting a "Come and Get It" sign on the federal payroll;

Gushing aid on Gorbachev;

Supporting tyrannical governments from Peking to Belgrade;

Bailing out the banks and S&Ls, not to speak of son Neil;

Burying us.in anti-business regulations, making the Federal Register look like the Encyclopedia Bushannica;

Using the drug war to attack our financial privacy;

Promoting Dukakis-style gun controls;

Subverting private schools for underclass "choice";

Waving "Come on in, the welfare's fine" to every derelict in the Third World;

Multiplying the number of welfare bums; 

 Teaching condoms to 3rd-graders, and giving them to 6th­ graders;

Submerging our sovereignty in a New World Order.

I'm sick of America Last, and I'll bet you are too. But who's going to speak for us? No Republican is challenging George Bush where it really counts, in the voting booth.

Except Ron Paul. And what a contrast he is. Ron stands for:

No income tax;

A federal budget on Optifast;

Abolition of the Education, Environment, and Energy departments--as a start;

A balanced budget, no matter what;

No foreign aid to Moscow, Tel Aviv, or anyplace else;

 Defense dollars for America, only;

No welfare;

Traditional families and values;

A laissez-faire free market;

No Federal Reserve;

A gold-coin standard;

No affirmative action; and

An America First foreign policy.

Doesn't it make your heart beat a little faster to think of that kind of president in the White House? A worthy successor to Washington, Jefferson, Madison, and Jackson?

America is ready for Ron Paul. Oh, how we're ready! The ravening maw of big government is chomping our money and our liberty. Ron can show us how to shut its mouth.

I'm Ron's old friend and business partner. I chaired his last campaign. For almost 20 years, I've watched and admired this man, and seen our country's greatness reflected in his rugged stand for principle.

In Congress, Ron didn't buckle once. He didn't even start to bend. "I wish I had the guts to vote like Ron Paul," a famous Republican senator once said. They all felt that way.

No matter how much pressure liberal Democrats, liberal Republicans, big corporations, big banks, big labor, or the president himself put on Ron, he stood tall for the Constitution. I can't tell you how many times the vote in the House of Representatives was 434-1. But as Bill Simon said, "Ron was the one exception to the Gang of 435."

Ron got the highest rating in history from the National Taxpayers' Union and the Council for a Competitive Economy. The American Economic Council called him "the only Congressman who understands the free-market." The Mises Institute said he was "a 24-karat hard-money hero." And the Young Conservatives named him "Bearer of the Torch of Freedom."

Ron Paul is an author, an Austrian economist, and a Constitutional historian. He's a father, a grandfather, and an Air Force veteran. He's a physician and an entrepreneur. He served our country for four terms in Congress, co-sponsored the U.S. Gold Commission, and was founding chairman of Citizens for a Sound Economy. He also chairs the National Endowment for Liberty.

Most important, he's a statesman. The first we've had in a while.

I want Ron Paul to run for president against George "Read My Lips" Bush, and take our message to New Hampshire, Arizona, Georgia, California, Texas--all the Republican primaries.

Ron can speak out for our ideals, with a megaphone he's never had before--a primary challenge to a sitting president. Believe me, this is the big time.

When Gene McCarthy did it, he knocked Lyndon Johnson right out of the White House. When Ronald Reagan did it against Jerry Ford--with Ron Paul's help--he laid the groundwork for his own election four years later.

Already, the reporters are phoning Ron. And so are political consultants. These usually cynical types are all of a sudden feeling like patriots. Even they know that Ron Paul speaks for the real America, that he is the sort of old-fashioned American our parents took for granted, and that we now ache for.

A Republican primary campaign against George Bush will be, of course, extremely expensive: travel, rent, organizing, advance work, ballot access, polling, get-out-the-vote efforts, phone banks, pamphlets, tabloids, billboards, and issue mailings. Later will come television and radio. But first there's Stage One: what this committee of Ron's friends and supporters is all about.

Ron needs your name for this effort, your volunteer time if you can give it, and your most generous contribution.

$100, $50, $25, or any amount would be great. $250, $500, or $1,000 would be magnificent. Join the most exciting Republican campaign since Barry Goldwater.
Barry lost, but he built a national movement, and that's the least that Ron can do, if you support him.

Who will lead, if not Ron? When is the time, if not now? Who will help, if not you?

We can send a Patriot missile right into the Establishment. Banksters and bureaucrats will be shaking in their boots. And who could blame them? They might have to get a job.

The American people have had it, and Ron Paul is just the man to harness their anger, and change our history.

Ron wants to run, but he must know he has your support for the long battle ahead. He faces, after all, a prevaricating president and a leviathan state.

On Ron's side are our Constitution, our heritage of freedom, our great middle class, and, I hope, you.
Wouldn't it be nice to have a chief executive who didn't hobnob with David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger? Who identified with the people instead of the feds? Who never broke a campaign promise? Who, when he swears to protect and defend the Constitution, means it with all his heart?

You can make that possible. But time is very short. The New Hampshire primary is February 18th. A successful campaign must be geared up no later than December 18th. So we must finish "exploring" by December 5th.

Please, rush the most generous amount you can. Give Ron the helping hand he must have. Join him on this historic adventure.


Burt Blumert
Burton S. Blumert


P.S. Every dollar you invest strikes a blow for liberty. Please, as quickly as you can, as generously as you can, plant a haymaker right on the nose of Washington, D.C.

P.P.S. For yourself, for your family, for your country – enlist in this freedom campaign. You can write your name in the pages of history.

Ron Paul for President Exploratory Committee
875 Mahler Road, Suite 150, Burlingame, California 94010. 415-...  fax: ...