1992 Republican Presidential Primary

    Bush/Quayle '92 Primary Committee, Inc.

Fundraising Letter (4 Pages).                                                


Dear Mr. __,

Tomorrow, I will officially announce that with Barbara's support I have decided to seek a second term as your President.

Since you have been such a dedicated supporter, I wanted you to be among the first Americans I wrote since making my decision to run.

As a further indication of how much I appreciate your past support, I wanted to take a moment now, in advance of my announcement, to share with you my thoughts on America's future and what we have at stake in this election.

Most important, I want to ask you personally to join my campaign team and help me win re-election.

I am running because I know that right now we have an historic opportunity both at home and abroad to give all Americans an unprecedented generation of prosperity and peace.

By building on many of the conservative policies which were started during the Reagan Presidency and expanded during my first term, we have set the stage for a new golden age of opportunity and growth in America.

Let me explain. Over the last three years, while we have initiated some of the most innovative and far-reaching programs at home, we have also broken the back of communism abroad.
This achievement -- our victory in the Cold War -- will be most important for the future of every American in the coming years. The Cold War has been the longest, most expensive, and most dangerous war America has ever had to wage.

For fifty years, the American taxpayers have borne the heavy burden of building the defenses which have protected us and the free world against the Soviet Union, the Warsaw Pact forces, and their surrogates.

And with that victory comes not only an unprecedented opportunity for peace but a world of opportunity for American workers and American businesses as we open up large new markets for American products and services.

How did we win the Cold War? We didn't win it by listening to those voices on Capitol Hill who advocate isolationism and appeasement.

We won it by understanding that the best way to protect our own freedom is to help others seek their own freedom. Despite the votes in Congress to slow our efforts and their calls for us to tone down our rhetoric, we put freedom at the top of the American agenda.

From the first days of my historic trip to Poland to Operation Just Cause in Panama, from East Germany to the heart of the former Soviet Union, when freedom-loving people cried for help, we answered. When the "Blame America" crowd on Capitol Hill called for deep cuts in America's strength, we refused. Instead, we rebuilt American strength and kept the economic pressure on. In the end, the communist systems collapsed under their own weight.

What's more, every American can be proud that at the moment when our convictions counted, we could be counted on. In recent months we have faced some of the most uncertain and dangerous moments in modern history. But through it all we calmly and resolutely pointed the way to freedom.

We now face a new and equally important challenge. In the same way that aiding others to freedom protects our freedom, helping to build prosperity everywhere will lead to greater prosperity for ourselves.

Winning the Cold War can produce a generation of peace and prosperity for Americans, but we must seize this moment. This is an opportunity for America which the appeasement/isolationist Democrats do not understand.

Is it little wonder they fail to understand the opportunities which lie ahead? The Democrats' answer to virtually every problem has been to call on the American people to pay higher taxes and for Congress to recklessly throw money at these problems.

While we have initiated some of the most successful and far-reaching domestic programs in our Nation's history, the Democrats have been increasingly critical and hostile because our programs don't rely on their formula of tax increases, bigger government, and more Congressional spending.

Despite their opposition, we have made enormous strides. As a result of our programs, we are seeing real reductions in the use of drugs, especially among young people. We are embarking on a new cooperative effort with the States to re-tool America's schools. I am also working to provide parents with choice for their children to assure them an education second to none.

Instead of perpetuating the failed public housing policies of the past, we are beginning to turn ownership of public housing over to the residents. We are reshaping our defenses and achieving enormous savings for the taxpayers.

Unlike the Democrats who believe bigger government is the solution to all that ails us, our programs are designed to promote individual Americans and individual communities solving America's problems. These aren't quick-fix programs designed to please the pundits and win votes in the next election. They are real, long-term solutions to the problems of drugs, crime, education, and the environment, just to name a few.
But all the while we have faced a liberal Democrat majority in Congress who, if I weren't standing between them and the Nation's treasury with my veto pen, would have long ago bankrupted this Nation with their wasteful spending.

I often think back to the days when Ronald Reagan and I had a Republican Senate as our partner, interested in building America's future rather than the present Congress, whose chief goal is to mount raids on the wallets of the American taxpayers and our Nation's treasury.

Instead of a partner, I face a hostile Congress which obstructs progress at every turn and whose response to virtually every one of our initiatives is to ask for a tax increase.

But despite their best efforts to block our programs and open the spending floodgates, I have through negotiations and my veto turned back the worst of their proposed spending increases that would have devastated the financial well-being of all Americans.

As powerful and important as my new economic initiatives will be in getting America moving, the only way we are ever going to fully secure our prosperity is if we get a stronger grip on Congressional overspending. The Democrat-controlled Congress' relentless overspending is robbing all Americans of opportunities and prosperity. It must be corrected in the next four years.

But if I am going to put a halt to the Congress' runaway taxes and spending and seize the world of opportunities which lie before America right now, I need you on my re-election campaign.

With your help, I will seek to win not only a mandate to curb Congress' excesses but also to fully revitalize our economy. But I cannot do that without your help today.

This will be an extraordinarily important campaign, and I want you on my campaign team. I want this campaign to spark a new interest in the issues and a new faith in our American system. But I can't do it without your support today.

There are those who for their own gain will try to use this election as a time to divide us along class or racial lines. We must not let them. We must win this campaign. And in winning I want this campaign to help bind communities together and set a course for the future. But to wage such a campaign I need your support today.

With your help, this campaign will send an unmistakable message to those appeasement/isolation advocates who don't understand that our work for freedom is not only morally right -- it is the way to build prosperity and peace for America.

And I want this campaign to tell those politicians who try to pit one group against another for their own sake that we have had enough -- that we are, as we say in our Pledge of Allegiance, "one nation under God, indivisible." But to do that, I need your personal support today.

To wage such an aggressive and winning campaign in every city and town will require that I have a team of special friends such as you whom I can count on. Can I count on your support right now?

We are in the early and very critical days of laying out our campaign. These are the important days when your financial support will help the campaign the most. I know of the generous support you have given in the past. A $50 contribution from you today would be a major boost to my campaign effort.

In closing, I'm very optimistic about the future of America.

Even more important than the economic prosperity I see ahead and the world of opportunity now before us, I believe America has regained its will and sense of high purpose.

This Nation, which so many for so long accused of being selfish, cared enough about the peace of the world and was so outraged by the crimes against Kuwait that we rose up and crushed the Iraqi invasion. When Americans work together, there is nothing we cannot accomplish. I hope you will join with me and help me build a bright future.

I ask you, please accept my invitation to join my campaign. I look forward to welcoming you to my team. Together, I am confident that we can win a resounding victory. Please let me hear from you today. Thank you in advance for your support.


George Bush

Paid for by the Bush/Quayle '92 Primary Committee, Inc.