1992 Republican Presidential Primary

    Buchanan for President

Fundraising Letter (4 Pages).                                                


Dear Friend,

I have just made one of the biggest decisions of my life. And because I hope you are a supporter, I wanted to tell you personally why I have decided to seek the Republican nomination for President. I also want to ask your help; I need you with me in the tough months ahead.

Quite simply, our country is careening off course. And neither Mr. Bush nor his advisers have the foggiest notion how to steer her back.

After Mr. Bush broke his word, and cut his deal to raise taxes, domestic social spending soared at the fastest rate since the 1930s. The Federal Government is now consuming 25% of Gross National Product; the deficit is approaching $400 billion (almost twice as large as any deficit in modern history). The national debt is near $4 trillion. The recession is deepening; parts of our country are in depression; national morale is plummeting. In jobs created and economic growth, this Administration has turned in the worst performance in 60 years.

Thanks to White House abandonment of our principles, it is no longer Morning in America. Confidence is gone; and the 92-month­ long economic boom has been put on a fast track to Mexico.

There is no Bush program to deal with the crisis -- other than to deny there is a crisis. As the Wall Street Journal conceded a few weeks ago: "The long and short of it is: The world's most important economy is in the grip of economic incompetents."

Adding to the recession is a hellish social crisis. Crime rates are hitting record highs; test scores of our high school seniors are hitting new depts. Washington D.C. is the murder capital of the nation. Neighborhood datelines from New York, our cultural capital, say it all: Howard Beach and Bensonhurst, Crown Heights and Central Park. Less and less do we seem to be one nation and one people. More and more we are behaving like warring tribes,
bickering and fighting with one another.

Our heritage and traditions are under attack in our schools, our media, our universities, under the rubric of "multi-culturalism." And one need not be a Puritan to be appalled at the sewage of gratuitous sex and violence being pumped out in our books, films, magazines and television -- even subsidized by the blockheads Mr. Bush sent over to run the National Endowment for the Arts. America's popular culture is as polluted as Love Canal. Time to clean it up.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn said at Harvard 15 years ago, "Men have forgotten God." And we have. It is not that we do wrong (we have it on High Authority that men have always done so), but that our society does not even know the difference, anymore, between right and wrong. And thanks to the ACLU, we are not allowed to teach that difference to children in public schools -- where God, the Bible and Ten Commandments have been driven out by court decree, and condoms are handed out to 14-year-old girls who are told to go out and practice "safe sex." If there is a "problem," go down to the local clinic and exterminate it -- no need to tell your parents.

You don't have to be an evangelical minister, a rabbi or a priest to know there is something terribly wrong.

While America's economic crisis has "Made in Washington!" stamped all over it, George Bush is surely not responsible for this social crisis. But he offers no answers -- none. And to look to this Democratic Congress of deadbeats and check-kiters for answers is a joke.

Mr. Bush's all-consuming passion lies in some gauzy New World Order he has never quite been able to define or explain. To advance this dreamy idea, he flies all over the world shoveling out foreign aid as though this were 1951, not 1991.

Again, the problem is not Mr. Bush's motives. It is his ideas, or rather his lack of them. Mr. Bush is an Ivy League globalist wedded to such institutions as the UN and World Bank, when we Americans have got to start looking out for America first.

If we don't get busy dealing with the crises here at home, we are going to lose our country. And if government is not the answer to our problems here, how can Mr. Bush believe we can solve the world's problems, dishing out billions we do not have to Third World regimes that are even less competent than our own?

Okay, Pat, but why you? comes the question.

Well, the truth is we have 80 days to the big New Hampshire Primary, and our cause, the great and good cause of American conservatism, isn't even represented in the politics of 1992. A choice between George Bush and six liberal Democrats (two masquerading as moderates), is no choice at all. To let 1992 go by timidity or default is to betray our cause, and to forfeit the allegiance of a younger generation crying out for leadership.

No one else was willing to come forward, so I have.
My credentials? For 30 years, I have been deeply involved in journalism, politics and the White House -- in the political life of my country. I have served three Presidents, accompanied them to three Soviet-u.s. summits, and have helped to write presidential addresses, from Mr. Nixon's decision to send U.S. troops into Cambodia in 1970, to Ronald Reagan's decision to retaliate against Khadafi's Libya. No other American has spent as many hundreds of hours debating the great questions of our day, on national television.

I have shared the action and passion of my time; I have been engaged in the causes and controversies of my era, and I will keep the promises George Bush broke.

Look at this Administration. Look at this White House. They are as bereft of ideas as you and I are brimming with them. We are fresh and they are tired. They are yesterday and we are tomorrow.

Will you help? With only weeks before New Hampshire, I need your help desperately, and I need it now. Thanks, in advance, for your financial sacrifice.

Your friend,

Patrick J. Buchanan
Pat Buchanan

P.S. The sooner you can donate to my Presidential campaign, the stronger our conservative message will be. $1000 is the maximum allowed by law. But any amount you can afford will be gratefully received -- $500, $250, $100, $75, $50, $25 or even $15 will help to fill the campaign fuel tanks. Please, if you can, donate today. New Hampshire Primary Day is nearly upon us, and the press will be watching. Don't let them think we conservatives have given up on our movement, or that we're forced to vote for a man who has abandoned us.

Buchanan for President  P.O. Box 90,000  Arlington, VA 22210