1992 New Hampshire Presidential Primary

       National Draft Cuomo Committee

Flyer - 5 1/2" x 8 1/2".
Cuomo for President
Here's how New Hampshire Democrats and Independents can make it happen.
Mario Cuomo

Once again the entire nation is  watching the New Hampshire presidential primaries.

A strong write-in vote in New Hampshire will show Governor Cuomo and the rest of the nation that we want the best candidate to defeat George Bush in November.

A strong write-in vote can help bring Mario Cuomo into the race. Don't waste your vote on a second choice. Take a few extra seconds in the voting booth for the future of our nation.

5 A North Main Street, Concord, New Hampshire 03301

Cuomo for President. It's not too late.

In the words of Mario Cuomo:

  • on the Draft Cuomo for President Committee
     "That's very nice, it really is. No, it is. That's nice to hear."
- 1/13/92 press conference- response to question about the efforts of the National Draft Cuomo for President Committee.
  • on the economy
     There is a growing acknowledgment that this economy is indeed crip­pled in a fundamental way. Without a dramatic change in policy in Washington, it will recede further into the depths. In addition, the envi­ronment will be incurably violated. People's private lives will be de­stroyed for decades to come through the Supreme Court. Generations of children will be lost to drugs. That's why more is at stake in this election than in any election since the Depression.
     When I outlined my ideas at the recent Fortune 500 Forum, business leaders stood up and applauded. They weren't applauding Mario Cuomo. Some of them wouldn't vote for me with a gun to their heads. They were saying , "You're right, Governor. And we hope the President listens." But if he's going to take the ideas I thought up first, and I were running, I'd say to others, "Look, who needs him? Use me."
     I called myself a progressive pragmatist ...
     If you didn't know anything about me, I would start a new party. On the logo would be the profile of Thomas Paine and it would say: COMMON SENSE. - Fortune Magazine, "Cuomo Fixes for the Econ­omy," 12/30/91.

  • on running for president
    ... I could make a contribution. I even have a chance of winning and getting there to make that contribution and I would like to do it very much. There are things I want to say, there are things I believe deeply ...
     You can get from a politician whatever you demand in this country. The great irony in this country is that everybody com­plains about how it runs but not enough people direct their force and power directly at the politicians and make demands upon them. - ABC News Nightline interview, 1/9/92.

  • on the Democratic party
     The difference between Democrats and Republicans has always been measured in courage and confidence. The Republicans believe the wagon train will not make it to the frontier unless some of our old, some of our young, and some of our weak are left behind by the side of the trail. The strong will inherit the land! We Democrats believe that we can make it all the way with the whole family intact.
     We must get the American public to look past the glitter, beyond the showmanship--to reality, to the hard substance of things. And we will not do that so much with speeches that sound good as with speeches that are good and sound. Not so much with speeches that bring people to their feet as speeches that bring people to their senses. - 1984 Keynote Address to the Democratic National Convention.
  • on leadership
     People all across the nation, and here in the Empire State as well, are disillusioned, fearful that the American dream may be slipping away.
     Many of them are angry. Many are trying to find someone to blame. And they blame us - their elected officials. How we, assem­bled in this chamber today, respond to all these challenges is the test of leadership in 1992.
     We can give in to the temptation to blame someone else. Some are doing that. "We're in this mess," some say "because of poor people who are getting too much" or "because of the Japanese or the Germans." Or even "the Immigrants." Or because of the Republi­cans. Or because of the Democrats.
     We can do that. We can look for someone to blame. Or we can look for solutions instead of scapegoats.
     It is a time that calls for strength and courage and vision, to keep us all growing together ... so that we don't grow further apart.
- State of the State address, 1/8/92

  • on Bush
What will the President's slogan be when he runs, you know what it is going to have to come to? "I won the war, the other guy's a bum." What else can he say? Can he say he's produced more jobs? Ten million Americans are out of work. Can he say, "I was truly the education president"? He cut education. Can he say, "I won the war on drugs"? Go to any city in the United States and answer that question for yourselves. He can only say, "I know we have prob­lems; I don't have any plans to deal with them." I'll tell you, on the merits, on these issues, this campaign could be easy for the Democrats. - 1991, p 36. printed in QUOTABLE CUOMO: THE MARIO YEARS, The Consummate Quote Book for Cuomo Fans and Foes, compiled by Brian Meyer and Mary Murray, published by West­ern New York Wares Inc., 1991.



2. Go to the bottom "WRITE-IN" line of the Democratic Presidential Ballot.

3. Write in: Mario Cuomo.


National 1 (800) 92-CUOMO
In N.H. 1 (800) WRITE-IN
Fax (603) 224-7974