Trump Campaign and the RNC in the Lead Up to the First Presidential Debate

Coinciding with the debate, on the morning of June 26 the Trump campaign ran full-page color ads in the Miami Herald and Nuevo Herald targeting Latinos ("Latinos flourish in Trump economy").  Also, for Wednesday night the Trump campaign purchased the masthead ad on YouTube, which reaches tens of millions of people.

There had been some talk that President Trump might live Tweet during the debate.  However, he was off to the G20 Summit in Tokyo, and at 7:14 p.m. tweeted:

For tonight’s #DemDebate, be sure to follow @TeamTrump, @TrumpWarRoom, @Parscale, @KayleighMcEnany, @TimMurtaugh, and @Marc_Lotter for RAPID RESPONSE, FACT CHECKING, and the TRUTH! #MAGA #KAG Sorry, I’m on Air Force One, off to save the Free World!

Republican National Committee  Michael Joyce
June 27, 2019

Night 2 Dem Debate BINGO

Good Evening-
Although they didn’t discuss “issues that actually affect Americans” last night, it was an obvious all-out race to the leftduring night one of the first Democrat debate of the 2020 cycle.
If you think night 2 of the Democrat debate will be any different, think again! From abolishing the Electoral College togiving illegal immigrants health insurance, night 2 promises to be just as far to the left as night one. So in honor of National Bingo Day, we hope you’ll join us again for another round of Democrat Debate BINGO!

1. Health insurance for illegal immigrants
a.  It’s not just Crazy Bernie Sanders who wants to give illegal immigrants government-run health insurance. BidenButtigiegGillibrandHarrisSwalwelland Yang do too.

2. “Let’s have that conversation”
a.  Whether it’s impeaching President Trump, allowing rapists and murderers to vote in prison, or allowing 16-year-old kids to vote, Kamala Harris wants to have a conversation about it. Let’s see what she wants to discuss this evening.

3. Plagiarizin’ Biden Strikes Again
a.  Joe Biden cannot stop plagiarizing. He’s been caught multiple times with no end in sight.

4. Biden’s Segregationist friends
a.  It’s no secret that Joe Biden’s relationship with segregationists is coming back to haunt him. The real question is which 2020 Democrat will pounce on Biden first about this tonight?

5. South Bend policing
a.  If you’ve been following Pete Buttigieg along the campaign trail, then you know how problematic the policing issue is in South Bend for Buttigieg. Given his major diversity issues on the campaign trail and 0% support among the black community in South Carolina, is Buttigieg’s campaign over before it’s even begun?

6. Abolish the electoral college
a.  Abolishing the Electoral College is one of the most well known 2020 Democrat litmus tests so far, and virtually every candidate supports eliminating it. Is eliminating the voice of voters in the Midwest the Democrats’ best message to win over blue collar voters who supported President Trump in 2016? Guess we’ll find out soon enough.

7. Oprah’s Spiritual Leader
a.  Yes, Oprah Winfrey’s “spiritual leader” Marianne Williamson is running for President, but even Vox believes that Williamson “may have next to no shot at taking the White House.” End scene.

8. Nuking Americans to take their guns
a.  Eric Swalwell once threatened someone on Twitter with nuking our own country to take guns away from law abiding citizens. No, really. He did.

9. Avengers
a.  2020 Democrat candidates have been called many things, but only Eric Swalwell considers the candidates to be like the Avengers.

10. Being Pro-Life is racist
a.  When she isn’t cutting beer pong ads for money, Kirsten Gillibrand is comparing the Pro-Life movement to racism.

11. NRA is worse than Nazis
a.  According to Kirsten Gillibrand, neo-Nazi organizations aren’t the worst organizations in America, the NRA is.

12. “Pooperscooper”
a.  It’s no secret that President Trump is fond of giving his opponents nicknames. But John Hickenlooper decided to give himself his own negative nickname, “pooperscooper.” Why? Nobody knows.

13. “Accidental Senator”
a.  You know things aren’t going well when you’ve been dubbed an “accidental Senator.” Michael Bennet’s campaign is more than a longshot – it’s a colossal waste of time.

14. Most progressive
a.  Joe Biden has repeatedly said that he has the most progressive record of anyone running in the race. When it comes to this batch of socialist 2020 Democrats, moderates need not apply.

15. 2020 Democrats are all “on the same page” about socialism
a.  You heard it from Joe Biden – the 2020 Democrats are “all on the same page” when it comes to pushing socialist policies. Welcome to your new Democrat party, y’all.

16. Free square – mentions Trump
a.  This one is a given - no sourcing required. You’ll probably hear President Trump’s name tonight more than any of the 2020 Democrats running for office. Sad!

17. “Folks”
a.  Sleepy Joe Biden has not been drawing large crowds in the early primary states, and when you say “folks” 30 times in a single speech, it’s easy to see why.

18. “I asked Obama not to endorse”
a.  We all know Joe Biden is going to mention President Obama countless times this evening. The thing is, Biden told the media that he purposely asked former President Obama not to endorse him. Yeahok.

19. Medicare for all
a.  Medicare for all is the backbone of the 2020 Democrats healthcare plans, and only three 2020 Democrats on the stage tonight oppose Medicare for all (while supporting other radical policy ideas). America isn’t ready for a $32 trillion government takeover of our healthcare system, but it’s a sure bet that all of the candidates tonight will tout their support for the latest fix-all to our healthcare system since the last one known as Obamacare.

20. Green New Deal
a.  Once again, nearly every candidate on the stage tonight has signaled support for the $93 trillion Green New Deal. Whether you support 99% of what’s in the Green New Deal like John Hickenlooper or it’s your mantra like Bernie Sanders, the AFL-CIO still vehemently opposes it.

21. Impeachment
a.  Nearly every single 2020 Democrat supports impeaching President Trump, but who will mention it first on the debate stage tonight? Spoiler: it’s going to be Eric Swalwell, who wants to impeach just about everyone.

22. Late term abortion
a.  Another prominent leftist litmus test, just about every single 2020 Democrat is on the record supporting late term abortions, even though only 13% of Americans support third trimester abortions.

23. Financial conflicts of interest
a.  From Joe Biden to Pete Buttigieg, the financial conflicts of interest among 2020 Democrats are only going to get worse.

24. Flip flopping positions
a.  You’re going to want to give this a read if you want to read the laundry list of flip-flopping positions for these 2020 Democrats.

25. “That’s gone”
a.  In 2013 Barack Obama won Politifact’s prestigious “Lie of the Year” award for claiming “if you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it.” Fast forward to 2019, and Bernie Sanders has no qualms about the fact that he wants to eliminate private health insurance by bluntly stating “that’s gone.” At least the Democrats are being honest this time around about wanting to strip millions of Americans of their private health insurance, even though Americans overwhelmingly reject abolishing private health insurance.
Still not convinced that tonight’s debate will be another race to promote socialist policies? See the latest from RNCResearch below to meet tonight’s comrades:


RNC Research Briefing
June 27, 2019

Socialism Returns: Democrat Debate Night 2

Tonight A New Batch Of Democrats Take The Debate Stage And Audiences Everywhere Will Watch Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, And The Rest Of The Field Scramble To Adopt As Many Socialist Ideas As Possible

The Facts:

Former Vice President Joe Biden: Had to defend his civil rights record (again) this week after reminiscing nostalgically on his friendship with noted segregationists, in another example of his failure to connect with Democrat base on everything from China to abortion.

Biden’ is hoping the third time’s the charm for this race. When Biden ran his first failed presidential campaign rival Pete Buttigieg was just 6 years old.

(Part Time) South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg: Has been out on the campaign trail pushing the radical Green New Deal but come under fire at home for his questionable handling of South Bend’s police department on the heels of an officer involved shooting.

Like your local Instagram influencer, part time Pete loved to travel, taking 74 trips in one 21 month period, or more than three trips each month.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT): Supports letting terrorists vote, a $32 trillion  government takeover of healthcare, and just about any socialist strongman you can think of.

Only running for President of the U.S. because the USSR job is no longer available.

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY): Has painted herself as a liberal firebrand, even advocating to expandsocial security to illegal immigrants, but once upon a time Gillibrand called for those illegal immigrants do be deported and “strongly opposed” amnesty.

Once considered a top 2020 prospect, Gillibrand’s campaign has fallen flat, and she has fallen behind (way behind).

Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA): Was the first Senator to co-sponsor Bernie Sanders government takeover of healthcare, and also wants to eliminate private insurance.

While working her way up the political ladder in California Harris was tough on crime, just not sexual harassers in her own office or gang members.

Sen. Michael Bennet (D-CO): Has called for a ranked choice  voting, but no matter the system his chances of winning the nomination are slim given he is currently polling at 1%.

Admitted that he has made “no progress” during his 10 years in the Senate.

John Hickenlooper: Has backed the radical Green New Deal, a total government takeover of healthcare, and brags about his far-left credentials.

As governor of Colorado, Hickenlooper spent his time helping murderers get out of jail.

Marianne Williamson: Who?
Has spent her entire campaign agreeing with Democrat frontrunners, backing Elizabeth Warren’s wealth tax and Bernie Sanders’ government takeover of healthcare.

Eric Swalwell: Running on government funded healthcare and the Green New Deal; somehow is still in the race despite polling at 0%.

Once made headlines threatening to nuke gun owners.

Andrew Yang: Has given new meaning to the phrase “free lunch,” as Yang plans to give everyone between 18 and 64 $1,000 a month.

            May be appearing at tonight’s debate via hologram.

[ed. continues...]

Republican National Committee
June 26, 2019

Play the RNC’s Dem Debate BINGO to Keep Your Sanity This Evening

Good Evening-

In what is sure to turn into a horror show this evening, 2020 Democrats will finally give Americans a glimpse of just how far to the left the Democrat Party has moved. Every single candidate on stage this evening will be embracing these policies in some form: government takeover of health care, taxpayer funding of health care for illegal immigrants, the Green New Deal, crippling tax increases, and open-borders immigration policies – woof.

While all of these are serious matters, that could have seriously negative impacts on American lives, to keep some level of sanity this evening, we hope you’ll join us in playing the RNC’s Democrat Debate BINGO!

1. Hyde amendment
a.  Elizabeth Warren and Cory Booker were quick to pounce on Joe Biden for his support of the Hyde Amendment. Will Warren or Booker bring it up again tonight?

2. Spartacus
a.  Cory Booker has been so desperate to jumpstart his 2020 bid that he proclaimedhimself as Spartacus during the Justice Kavanaugh hearings. Will Booker double down on his Spartacus gaffe to gain attention on the stage?

3. Ultra-millionaire tax
a.  Elizabeth Warren’s pie-in-the-sky proposals are going to be costly – so costly that even outlets like Politifact and the USA Today editorial board have expressed major concerns over whether or not her new taxes can even begin to cover the costs of her outlandish ideas for all of this supposed free stuff.

4. Government Run Healthcare
a.  A government takeover of healthcare is the backbone of the 2020 Democrats healthcare plans, and only three 2020 Democrats on the stage tonight oppose Medicare for all (while supporting other radical policy ideas). America isn’t ready for a $32 trillion government takeover of our healthcare system, but it’s a sure bet that all of the candidates tonight will tout their support for the latest fix-all to our healthcare system since the last one known as Obamacare.

5. Green New Deal
a.  Unless you’re John Delaney, every candidate on the stage of what seems to be the 2020 Dem JV Debate tonight has signaled support for the $93 trillion Green New Deal. However, if you’re Jay Inslee, you might want to go a step further and eliminate the production of all fossil fuels in America, with no plan whatsoever to replace that energy production in the US (no, seriously, he only wants to eliminate fossil fuels).

6. Comparing the border crisis to the Holocaust
a.  Not to be outdone by AOC, Beto O’Rourke too weighed in on comparing things to the Holocaust last week by sighting President Trump’s immigration policies to the days of the Holocaust. With Beto’s campaign reboot not gaining any traction, surely he’ll try to one-up his counterparts tonight and take things a step too far once again.

7. Embracing Obama’s Foreign Policy Blunders
a.  While President Trump is busy cleaning up the foreign policy mess left behind by President Obama, 2020 Democrats are in a hurry to turn back the clock and go back to Obama’s failed foreign policy positions. Of everyone on stage tonight, nobody might be more excited to return to the days of the bad Iran deal or the failed TPP agreement than John Delaney, whose foreign policy mantra seems to be just re-doing everything Obama did.

8. BFF’s with Bashar al-Assad
a.  You might not be seeing Tulsi Gabbard on the campaign trail, but she’s still in fact running for President. Most well known for her foreign policy stances, will she double down on her insane rhetoric about Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, who she met with in 2017, refused to call a war criminal, nor an enemy of the United States? Only time will tell.

9. Decriminalize illegal immigration
a.  Even Julian Castro is willing to admit that he’s not a frontrunner in this race, but that won’t stop him from taking the Democrat open borders agenda to a whole new level by calling for decriminalizing illegal immigration, or in other words, legalizing illegal immigration. Be on the lookout for Castro to prove his credentials as the biggest supporter of open borders of anyone in the race. Not to be outdone, Elizabeth Warren has also joined the Dem chorus to decriminalize illegal immigration.

10. Flip flopping positions
a.  You’re going to want to give this a read if you want to read the laundry list of flip-flopping positions for these 2020 Democrats.

11. Why are you even running?
a.  This could be said about more than half of the 2020 Democrat field, but when Bill de Blasio’s own confidants, including his wife, don’t know why he’s running for President, one has to think that your campaign might be in trouble.

12. 27%
a.  Does anyone really believe Tom Perez when he claimed the Democrats aren’t holding JV debates? The candidates on stage tonight combine for a whopping 27% of Morning Consult’s 2020 Democrat primary poll, with Elizabeth Warren accounting for nearly half of that total (13% out of 27%). Tonight’s debate is clearly for the Junior Varsity candidates only.

13. Likening detention facilities to concentration camps
a.  When AOC compared detention facilities at the border to concentration camps, Julian Castro fully embraced those comments. Will he double down tonight?

14. Tear existing border walls down
a.  Beto O’Rourke has a plan to secure the border, and it involves tearing down existing border walls in El Paso, even while the largest group of illegal immigrants in recorded history were found attempting to cross into America in El Paso.

15. Inslee’s Green policy blunders
a.  From failing to get a carbon tax passed in the ultra-liberal state of Washington to proposing radical new ideas like the Freedom From Fossil Fuel plan, it’s clear that Inslee has no idea how to A) pass these pie-in-the-sky green energy policies and B) account for the loss in energy production in the US by eliminating fossil fuel production.

16. "That's when you guys are supposed to cheer, OK?"
a.  Amy Klobuchar hasn’t accomplished much during her time in office, so much that when she began touting her achievements to a town hall crowd in New Hampshire, the crowd went silent, and Klobuchar responded with “that’s when you guys are supposed to cheer, OK?” Cringe.

17. Biden’s segregationist pals
a.  While Cory Booker promised to campaign on a message of love and unity, that quickly went out the door when Booker attacked Joe Biden for his segregationist pals. Will Booker continue to chastise Biden on stage tonight?

18. Economy will be “Achilles heel” for Trump
a.  Tim Ryan is a bit of an unknown, which is really saying something in this field, but he seems to think that the economy will be the “Achilles heel” for President Trump in 2020, which even has Bill Maher scratching his head.

19. Mentions trump – Free square
a.  This one is a given - no sourcing required. You’ll probably hear President Trump’s name tonight more than any of the 2020 Democrats running for office. Sad!

20. Impeachment
a.  Nearly every single 2020 Democrat supports impeaching President Trump, but who will mention it first on the debate stage? The even money would have to be on Elizabeth Warren or Beto O’Rourke, who were some of the first 2020 Dems to join the call for a bogus impeachment proceeding against President Trump.

21. Raising taxes
a.  Every single 2020 Democrat wants to repeal the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which would immediately increase taxes by $2,000 on middle class Americans.

22. Fauxcahontas
a.  Elizabeth Warren’s false heritage has made plenty of headlines, but will it arise in tonight’s debate? Guessing by Warren’s recent answer about her faux heritage, she’ll avoid the topic at all costs tonight.

23. Reparations
a.  Reparations have been a hot button issue and litmus test in the 2020 Democrat field, but Elizabeth Warren wants to take reparations a step further by introducingreparations for same sex couples, too. Will that separate Warren from the field and furthest to the left with regards to reparations?

24. Eliminate student loan debt
a.  Elizabeth Warren’s proposal to eliminate all student loan debt has some unlikely critics – mainly the New York Times along with USA Today’s Editorial Board.

25. “Born to be in it”
a.  Beto O’Rourke had to apologize for reinforcing the narrative of “white privilege” by posing for a Vanity Fair cover story on the 2020 election in which he described himself as “just born to be in it.”

RNC Research Briefing

June 26, 2019

Democrat Debate: Night(mare) One

Tonight’s Debate Will Be A Who’s Who Of Radical Progressives Offering A Smorgasbord Of Socialist Policies, Irresponsible Give-A-Ways And Half-Baked Ideas

The Facts:

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA): Far-Left progressive, who has been labeled a “divisive figure” by her hometown newspaper The Boston Globe, and has called for “ decriminalizing illegal immigration,” “Medicare-for-all," “debt-free college,” and a “$15-an-hour-minimum wage.”

Was forced to announce she was not “a citizen of a tribe” nor “a person of color,” after identifyingas an “American Indian” for decades.

Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ): Booker was elected mayor on the pledge to make Newark a safer and more prosperous city but by the time he entered the Senate, Newark was still an “ emblem of poverty.”

Has a penchant for comparing himself to figures from Greek mythology.

New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio (D-NY): Scandal plagued mayor who a staggering 76% of his constituents do not believe he should run for President.

Gained notoriety through inadvertently killing a groundhog. 

Former Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-TX): Consummate flip-flopper who condemned the fossil fuel industry and pushed for climate change proposals after accepting more than half a million dollars from the oil and gas industry during his 2018 campaign for Senate.

Has apologized for reinforcing the narrative of “white privilege” by posing for a Vanity Fair cover story on the 2020 election in which he described himself as “just born to be in it.”

Former Rep. Julian Castro (D-TX): Supports decriminalizing illegal immigration, tearing down border walls, and has said ICE “the way that we know it now, should not go on.”

Agrees with “the sentiment” that detention facilities along the border are akin to “concentration camps.” 

Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN): Has record of being soft on crime. While serving as Hennepin County Attorney in Minnesota, violent crime increased in Minneapolis, the heart of her district, by 29% in 2005.

Serial staff abuser who ate a salad with a comb and made her assistant clean it.  

Governor Jay Inslee (D-WA): Second tier candidate who has made climate change the defining issue of his campaign but failed to persuade even his own state to vote for a carbon tax.

Considered “unknown on a national level;” polling at 0%.

Former Rep. John Delaney (D-MD): Despite declaring for President in 2017, he is amazingly, somehow even more unknown than Jay Inslee.

Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH): Of the three pieces of legislation Ryan has had signed into law over his 16 years in office, two renamed federal buildings, and the third provided for the conveyance of a property in Ravenna, Ohio.

Despite serving 8 terms in Congress, and repeatedly threatening to challenge Nancy Pelosi for Speaker, he has zero name recognition.

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI): Former Bernie Sanders supporter who endorses a government takeover of healthcare and co-sponsored "The 2017, Expanded & Improved Medicare for All Act.”
Went on a secret, self-proclaimed “fact-finding mission” to Syria where she met with Syrian Dictator Bashar al-Assad and simultaneously raved about his support while accusing the U.S. of funding terrorist groups in the region. 

Click Here For The Complete Briefing

Repulblican National Committee
June 26, 2019

Democrats bring political games to the Homestead migrant shelter

As Democrats attempt to score political points with made for TV trips to the Homestead migrant shelter, it’s important to remember that Democrats have completely refused to work with President Trump to find solutions to the border crisis.  

Key Context:

·         The Trump admin has repeatedly asked Congressional Democrats to close loopholes (stemming from the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act and the Clinton era Flores agreement) in our immigration laws in order to save lives. 

·         The entire reason for the surge of smuggled children arriving on our Southern Border is because loopholes exist and cartels exploit them.  

·         While the Trump admin is trying to close the loopholes, Democrats have refused every single effort to shut down the magnets for child smuggling. 

·         If Democrats actually cared about the migrant children instead of using them for political purposes, they would close the loopholes.

Regarding the Homestead shelter, it was up and running during the Obama administration. 

In 2016, the Miami Herald reported on the services offered for the children at the facility including schooling, athletic activities, and medical care. Last week, the Sun Sentinel reported the facility is “still providing education and recreation activities.”

Reminder courtesy of CNN’s John King: The problem on the Southern border “is not new” and did not begin under President Trump.

Steve Guest
Rapid Response Director
Republican National Committee

Also note RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel was in Florida.  On June 26 she held an event at Versailles in Miami to highlight the socialist policies of tthe 2020 Democrat field.  On June 27 she held a small business roundtable at North Florida Hauling in Medley, highlighting Hispanic economic achievements.