GovernorRepublican State Convention May 13-14, 2022
    Republican Primary Aug. 9, 2022

State Sen. Michelle Benson
Video Announcement Suspending Campaign
April 28, 2022
DEMOCRACY IN ACTION transcript [video]

I'm Michelle Benson, candidate for governor. We are abundantly blessed to live at this time and in this place. As I look at history, I realize that freedom is rare, The opportunity to determine who governs us is rare, and the chance to serve in that government even more rare.

I couldn't be more grateful for this country and the people of Minnesota. Serving in elected office has been an honor and seeking the office of governor has challenged me and made me better every day. I'm thankful for the opportunity.

During my time in office, I fought for our principles and worked to be transparent, honest, respectable and trusted by people whether they agreed with me or not. My dad's words ring in my ears, show up, do the work. Don't worry about who gets the credit. That's a great virtue for most of life, but it didn't work this time.

I will always be proud of my record, a tested and resolute commitment to our conservative values. I'm proud of my 12 years of service in the legislature which prepared me to lead as governor.

I didn't run for governor out of hate for the left, but because I love the people of Minnesota. I ran for governor because I see the potential of our people and our state. Instead of running against something
, I ran to be for something. In spite of the terrible things that happened over the last two years, it was my mission to take my Minnesota story, my experience, our shared values, and lead our state to a better place.

I was raised to expect the best from people. I expect Minnesotans from all walks of life to seek their God given potential. That hope is why I served, why I ran, and why I sought the Republican endorsement. The Minnesota I know and love is filled with good, hardworking people. I trust you and respect you. Minnesotans should not be looked down upon by anyone.

I [have ? had] dreams of a Minnesota, our Minnesota, with safe bustling cities, a rural renaissance, a state we can brag about. We've been given a once in a generation opportunity. I still believe I'm the best candidate to carry our principles, beat Tim Walz and lead Minnesota forward.

In recent days, as I've spoken with many delegates, it is clear that this is not the right time for me. Heartfelt conversations and soul searching has led us to the decision to step back from this campaign. For the good of the process, and in fairness to my volunteers and supporters. I will not be continuing my campaign to be the Republican nominee for governor.

I'm profoundly thankful for the volunteers and donors who supported my vision for Minnesota, where people are safe, parents lead education, and families prosper. Delegates challenged and supported me so I became a better candidate and a stronger voice for those forgotten. I thank you.

We have the opportunity to support our police and create safe communities. We have the opportunity to empower parents and focus education on the potential of the child. We have the opportunity to reform government and create a more prosperous future. We have the opportunity to rebuild our Minnesota.

It is my hope that Republicans will nominate and unite behind an electable conservative. We have the opportunity to show Minnesota that our principles lead to a bright future.

My entire life I've promised to work on what God put in front of me, and I'll do that now. For a time I'll take some space on my calendar for the people in my heart. I'll be on the campaign trail to support candidates up and down the ballot because there's much work to do and none of us can sit on the sidelines. Let's get to work Minnesota.

I am deeply grateful to the family and friends who supported me and carried me through 12 years of elected service, especially Craig and my children, my mom and dad, my sister and brothers. Thank you to the army of prayer warriors who sustained me. When Craig and I married 31 years ago, we had no idea where life would take us, but I'm ready to start the next chapter with him more in love than ever. Calvin, Grant and Claire, the greatest title I will ever have is to be your mom. And to all of you who are watching, thank you for the opportunity to serve the great state of Minnesota. God bless you.
