Nov. 4, 2014 Governor

Flyer, 8 1/2" x  11".


Libertarian Party 2014
"Don't waste your vote on more of the same -- take back Liberty"

Our liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain.

If not NOW, WHEN?
In a recent Gallup poll 65% of Americans say BOTH the
Democrat and Republican Parties are doing such a poor job of representing the American people that they are dissatisfied with the effectiveness of government.

How is Your LIberty Today, Iowa?

Have the "Republicrats" Made Your Life Better?

Overregulation and High Taxation are
sucking out the life blood of our productive citizens. We Iowans are bottom half on the freedom scale and in the top 15 states for taxation.

Government Growth
has occurred through every administration in the last 60 years, and when government grows, it steals the wealth from the people as the private sector shrinks.

My platform is simple:

Reduce government and reduce rules by unelected boards. Push back federal encroachment on the state, employ constitutional rule of law to restore:

Economic Liberty, Personal Liberty, Religious Freedom,
Educational Freedom, Property Rights, Restoration of Privacy
It's time to be more attached to your LIBERTY than to your political party.

Please help us by doing these three things:
1.Join us on our E-Campaign by following us on Facebook and Twitter. 2. Please consider joining our 10,000 x $20 Club. We are looking for 10,000 Iowans who care enough about their LIBERTY to donate just $20. 3.Consider hosting a fund raiser / meet & greet.

For more discussion of principles, and to get involved:
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