Nov. 6, 2012 U.S. Senate
Brochure - 6" x 10 1/2"

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We're Americans.
We celebrate success.
We just don't want the game to be
-Elizabeth Warren

"Americans are fighters.
We are tough, resourceful and creative."

-Elizabeth Warren

"People feel like the system is rigged against them. They're right.

"Oil companies guzzle down billions in subsidies.

"Billionaires pay lower tax rates than their secretaries

"Wall Street CEOs–the same ones who wrecked our economy and destroyed millions of jobs–still strut around Congress, no shame, demanding favors, and acting like we should thank them.
"Anyone have a problem with that?  I do."  - Elizabeth Warren


"If we have the chance to fight on a level playing field—where everyone pays a fair share and everyone has a real shot—then no one can stop us."

-Elizabeth Warren

Elizabeth Warren
Scott Brown

Elizabeth believes that we should ensure that millionaires pay their fair share. She favors a plan to restore the tax rates for the wealthiest Americans that we had during the Clinton years. She supports ending special tax breaks for hedge fund managers and subsidies for Big Oil.
Brown supports giving tax breaks to millionaires and voted to block the Buffett Rule, which would have required the wealthiest Americans to pay their fair share in taxes. Brown also has protected Big Oil, voting to allow oil companies to keep billions of dollars in tax subsidies. [Vote 72, 5/17/11; Roll Call Vote 63, 3129/12; Roll Call Vote 184, 7125/12, Vote 259, 12/4/10; CQ; Roll Call Vote 65, 4/16/12]

Elizabeth stands up to Wall Street to protect consumers. She stood up to an army of lobbyists to create the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, to hold big banks and other financial institutions accountable, and to level the playing field for consumers on mortgages, credit cards, bank fees and student loans.
Brown works to protect Wall Street. When Congress worked to rein in Wall Street, Brown was personally negotiating to weaken the rules and to give the big banks a $19 billion break. After the rules passed, he negotiated in secret to weaken them. [Boston Globe, 5/2/12; Boston Globe, 6/4/12]

Elizabeth believes in putting people back to work in Massachusetts. She supports rebuilding roads and bridges, mass transit and rail, and protecting the jobs of teachers, firefighters and police officers. Elizabeth also supports streamlining regulations so small-business owners don't get tied up in red tape or strangled by hidden tricks and traps.
Brown voted against jobs for cops, firefighters, and teachers in Massachusetts to protect millionaires. Last fall, with almost a quarter of a million people out of work here in Massachusetts, Brown voted against three jobs bills. [Vote 160, 10/11/11; Vote 177, 10/20/11; Vote 195, 11/3/11]

For more information on where the candidates stand on other issues, please visit

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Brochure - 4 1/2" x 14"

On the issues...

Here is where Elizabeth Warren and Scott Brown stand on the issues.

For more information, please visit

Elizabeth Warren
Scott Brown
Elizabeth believes that we should ensure that millionaires pay their fair share. She favors a plan to restore the tax rates for the wealthiest Americans that we had during the Clinton years. She supports ending special tax breaks for hedge fund managers.

Brown supports giving tax breaks to millionaires and voted to block the Buffett Rule, which would have required the wealthiest Americans to pay their fair share in taxes. [Roll Call Vote 65, 4/16/12]
Elizabeth stands up to Wall Street to protect consumers. At the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, she worked to hold big banks and other financial institutions accountable, to level the playing field for consumers on mortgages, credit cards, bank fees and student loans.

Brown works to protect Wall Street. When Congress worked to rein in Wall Street, Brown was personally negotiating to weaken the rules and to give the big banks a $19 billion break. After the rules passed, he negotiated in secret to weaken them. [Boston Globe, 5/2/12; Boston Globe, 6/4/12]

Elizabeth believes in putting people back to work in Massachusetts. She supports rebuilding roads and bridges, mass transit and rail, and protecting the jobs of teachers, firefighters and police officers. Elizabeth also supports streamlining regulations so small-business owners don't get tied up in red tape or strangled by hidden tricks and traps.

Brown voted against jobs for cops, firefighters, and teachers in Massachusetts to protect millionaires. Last fall, with almost a quarter of a million people out of work here in Massachusetts, Brown voted against three jobs bills. [Vote 160, 10/11/11; Vote 177, 10/20/11; Vote 195, 11/3/11]
Elizabeth believes that it's time to move forward on health care, and that efforts to repeal President Obama's reforms are a distraction we can't afford. Elizabeth supports efforts to reduce health care costs, including innovation in health care delivery and research. Elizabeth believes we can improve the quality and affordability of health care without returning to the partisan battles of the past.

Brown supports the full repeal of President Obama's health care law. Repeal would allow insurance companies to deny coverage to those with pre-existing conditions, eliminate the ability of parents to keep their kids on their insurance plans until age 26, increase prescription drug costs for seniors, raise taxes on small businesses and decrease access to preventive care for ali Americans. [Vote 9, 2/2/11; Vote 84, 3/24/10]

Elizabeth supports clean energy and energy efficiency and will preserve strong environmental protections for clean air and clean water.

Brown has protected Big Oil, voting to keep billions of dollars in tax subsidies to oil companies. He has worked to weaken rules to reduce pollution, and voted to limit the Environmental Protection Agency's authority. [Vote 72, 5/17 /11; Roll Call Vote 63, 3/29/12; Vote 196, 11/3/11; Vote 184, 6/10/10; Vote 54, 4/6/11]

Elizabeth believes in dignity and independence for ali our seniors, and she will fight to protect Medicare and Social Security. Elizabeth supports the health care reforms that give seniors one free annual exam and that close the douglmut hole in Medicare and have already saved seniors an average of about $650.

Brown has voted for a radical budget proposal that would require cuts to Medicare and Social Security. [Vote 116, 7 /22/11; Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, 7 /16/11; Boston Herald, 7123/11; The National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare, 7118/11; CNN, 7118/11] Brown wants to repeal laws that give seniors a free annual exam and that help to pay for prescription drugs. [Vote 9, 2/2/11; Vote 84, 3/24/10]

Elizabeth will protect access to birth control and support equal pay for equal work – especially now, when women are the sole breadwinner in many families struggling to make ends meet.

Brown co-sponsored legislation allowing employers to deny women health care coverage for birth control. He opposes equal pay for equal work, and believes that paycheck fairness and the effort to close the wage gap are a "burden." He even voted with his party to oppose the Senate confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan. [Vote 24, 3/1/12; Boston Globe, 2/18/12; Vote 115, 6/5/12; Worcester Telegram and Gazette, 6/6/12; Vote 249, 11/17 /10; Vote 229, 8/5/10]

Elizabeth will work to solve the federal debt crisis to protect Americans from having their Social Security and Medicare benefits cut. She believes in making smart cuts like ending tax subsidies for the oil and gas industry, eliminating loopholes for hedge fund managers, and requiring billionaires to pay their fair share so that we can put our country back on sound financial footing.

Brown voted along party lines and supported the Republican Party's radical budget-cutting proposals. He signed an extremist pledge that protects tax loopholes for special interests–no matter what. [Vote 36, 3/09/11; Vote 116, 7 /22/11; Boston Globe editorial, 1/1/12; Boston Globe, 12/10/09]

Paid for by Elizabeth for MA.
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5 Middlesex Ave.
First Floor
Somerville, MA 02145


Card - 5 1/2" x 13"
"Elizabeth Warren - Durante toda su carrera profesional ha luchado por asuntos de importancia fundamental para la familia. Va a ser una senadora excepcional para Massachusetts."
– Presidente Barack Obama

En el Senado, Elizabeth estará con nosotros y luchará por:
- El empleo y la pequeña empresa: Elizabeth opina que podemos generar empleo poniendo la gente a trabajar en la reconstrucción de las vías públicas y los puentes, y en fomentar el transporte público. Al mismo tiempo, debemos proteger los empleos que ya existen. A ella le consta que tenemos que apoyar a los pequeños negocios que hay en los barrios y que las reglamentaciones se tienen que rediseñar para que la pequeña empresa pueda avanzar.

- Inmigración: A Elizabeth le consta que este es un país de inmigrantes. Ella
está a favor de una reforma migratoria integral basada en el sentido común. Apoya totalmente la decisión del presidente Obama de poner en práctica de inmediato normas parecidas a las de la llamada Ley de los Sueños Cumplidos (DREAM Act) y luchará por que se aprueben las demás disposiciones de esta ley bipartidista.

- Medicare y el Seguro Social: Elizabeth cree firmemente en la dignidad y la independencia de todos los de la tercera edad, y luchará sin tregua para proteger Medicare y el Seguro Social contra los planes radicales que buscan privatizarlos o acabar con estos programas de importancia fundamental.

- Educación: Elizabeth se inició en su carrera profesional enseñando a niños con necesidades especiales en una escuela primaria pública. Ella considera que es imperativo mejorar y apoyar todo el sistema educativo, desde el nivel preescolar hasta el universitario. Luchará por conservar el programa Head Start y también los subsidios para los almuerzos en la escuela, trabajará con maestros y padres de familia para mejorar las escuelas, y para que se implanten programas de mentores en las escuelas primarias e intermedias. Les dará prioridad a los programas de capacitación técnica avanzada, apoyará el encauzamiento de alumnos de la secundaria a las universidades comunitarias y hará lo que esté a su alcance para lograr que la educación universitaria sea más costeable.

- Atención médica: Para Elizabeth, todas las familias merecen acceso a atención médica costeable y de calidad. Ella apoya la ley de atención médica aprobada por el presidente Obama y sabe que tenemos que continuar trabajando juntos para seguir bajando los costos, para perfeccionar la ley promulgada, y para proteger la salud y el bienestar de nuestras familias y comunidades.

[wind bug] [recycle bug] [soy bug] [union bug]   @elizabethforma    617-286-...

"She has been advocating on core issues that matter to families her entire career. She is going to be an outstanding senator from Massachusetts." 
–President Barack Obama
In the Senate, Elizabeth will be on our side and fight for:
- Jobs and Small Businesses: Elizabeth believes that, to put people back to work, we must rebuild our roads, bridges, and public transportation, as well as protect existing jobs. She knows we must support our neighborhood small businesses and believes in streamlining regulations to make it easier for small businesses to get ahead.

- lmmigration: Elizabeth knows that our country is a nation of immigrants. Elizabeth believes in common-sense, comprehensive immigration reform. She fully supports President Obama's decision to immediately implement policies similar to parts of the DREAM Act and she will fight to pass the remaining provisions of the bipartisan DREAM Act.

- Medicare and Social Security: Elizabeth believes in dignity and independence for all our seniors, and she will fight to protect Medicare and Social Security from radical plans to end or privatize these crucial programs.

- Education: Elizabeth started her career teachíng specíal-needs kids in a public elementary school. She believes the achíevement gap can only be closed by improving and supporting education from pre-K to college. She will fight to preserve Head Start and school lunch progams, work willl teachers and parents to improve schools, encouerae elementary and middle school mentoring programs, prioritize advanced technical training programs, support high school-to-community-college pipelines, and make sure the Senate gets serious about makinc College more affordable.

- Health Care:
Elizabeth belleves that all families deserve access to quality, affordable health care. She supports the President's health care law, and she believes we must continue to work together to lower costs, improve the law, and protect the health and well-being of our families and communities.

Paid for by Elizabeth for MA.   @elizabethforma    617-286-...