Team Kennedy
March 25, 2024

DNC Invents New Rule in Attempt to Invalidate RFK Jr.’s Nevada Signatures Day Before His VP Announcement

LOS ANGELES, CA—MARCH 25, 2024—Just one week after Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announced he had collected all of the signatures needed to get on the ballot in Nevada, it was reported the DNC had hired an entire team devoted to keeping him off the ballot across the country. 

Now, the day before Kennedy is set to announce his vice president, Nevada Secretary of State, Democrat Francisco Aguilar, is making a desperate attempt to invalidate the campaign’s signatures in the state. 

“This is the epitome of corruption,” said Kennedy campaign ballot access attorney Paul Rossi. “After successfully collecting all of the signatures we need in Nevada, the DNC Goon Squad and their lackeys in the Nevada Secretary of State’s office are outright inventing a new requirement for the petition with zero legal basis. The Nevada statute does not require the VP on the petition. The petition does not even have a field for a VP on it. The state confirmed that the petition does not require a VP in writing on Nov. 14. The state approved our petition without a VP on it in writing on Jan. 9.” 

“This assault on the democratic rights of millions of Americans in Nevada, and their freedom to vote for an independent candidate, embodies the corruption and depravity that has come to characterize the Democratic Party,” continued Rossi.

“This is the party that rigged the primary election against Bernie Sanders in 2016 and RFK Jr. in 2024. This is the party that canceled its own primary elections in multiple states this year and decreed Biden the winner without a vote. The DNC is spending millions of dollars in a frantic attempt to keep Kennedy off the ballot because they cannot defeat us in a fair election. They cannot face us in a contest of ideas. These are the death throes of a party that once stood for working people but has long since abandoned them to Wall Street, Big Pharma, Big Tech, and the endless war machine. The Democratic Party is the biggest threat to democracy in this country.”

This corrupt attempt by the Nevada Secretary of State must be enjoined by a federal judge. The Kennedy campaign intends to depose the Secretary of State to find out exactly which White House or DNC official concocted this scheme.