Biden for President
March 30, 2024

Chavez Family Unites Behind President Biden

Biden-Harris 2024 Campaign Manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez released the following statement:

“The support of my family in this fight is deeply meaningful. The legacy of my grandfather’s work to fight for farmworkers, and the dignity of work for all of us weighs deeply on President Biden, and it is one of the core values that guides him every single day. As the most pro-union president in history and an unwavering champion of workers and labor his entire career, President Biden sees the world from a kitchen table in Scranton – a stark difference from Donald Trump’s penthouse on Park Avenue. He knows, like my grandfather did, that a job is about more than just a paycheck; it’s about your dignity – and that’s why Joe Biden is running for president.

“Today, my grandfather’s bust sits in the Oval Office – a reminder that President Biden understands the power of organizing and working people and recognizes the impact of my grandfather’s legacy to continue to mobilize our communities into action. In an election that will determine the fate of organized labor, our Latino community, and our democracy, I could not be more humbled to accept the support of my family as one of many that will power us to victory in November ¡Si se puede!.”

The Chavez family endorsement can be found below.

Mar 29, 2024

Chavez family unites behind President Biden
The seven surviving sons and daughters of Cesar and Helen Chavez and the Chavez family issued the following statement:
The Chavez family firmly stands behind the re-election of President Biden and Vice President Harris because we believe they are the best choice for America. We feel bonds of affection and respect for President Biden because his character and actions consistently reflect the genuine legacy of our father, Cesar Chavez.
We also endorse the President because the danger of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s candidacy is that it could help restore to power a bigot and an authoritarian who has pledged to dismantle democracy and plunge our country into the Dark Ages.
On his first day in office, President Biden placed in the Oval Office a bronze statue of our dad we supplied. That is the least of what he has done.
• The President has consistently fought for farm workers. He ensured they were prioritized for early access to the COVID-19 vaccine because farm workers were among the hardest-hit during the pandemic, dying at rates far above other groups. First Lady Dr. Jill Biden volunteered at a farm worker movement vaccination clinic in Delano, Calif. that vaccinated thousands of farm workers. In contrast, Donald Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. spread disinformation and conspiracy theories about the pandemic that helped persuade people not to get vaccinated and take necessary precautions. People died.
• President Biden is absolutely committed to a path forward for hard-working, tax-paying immigrant workers who sustain key parts of the U.S. economy.
• President Biden is the most pro-union and pro-worker president in our lifetime. He provided key support that helped convince Gov. Newsom to sign the landmark 2022 United Farm Workers-sponsored voting rights law making it easier for farm workers to join a union.
Yet, Presidents must do more than make good choices in the interest of the nation. They must also inspire Americans by appealing to their best, not their worst, impulses.
What distinguishes President Biden is his demonstrated compassion and empathy towards the poor and less fortunate. He strives to act justly by fulfilling the commandments and the gospels. Those social justice teachings were the heart of Cesar Chavez’s activism.

We call on all Latinos and all Americans to vote for President Biden in order to preserve our democratic institutions.
