- Green
Party Convention «
Party Criteria for Official Recognition
Green Party Criteria for Official Recognition
Article 10 of the Green Party Rules and Procedures).
Presidential Campaign Support Committee (PCSC) using the following criteria:10-1.1 Candidate Questionnaire: Candidate has submitted a completed Candidate Questionnaire as provided by the PCSC.
10-1.2 Party Affiliation: Candidate is not a registrant or otherwise a party member of any state or national level political party in the individual’s primary state of residence except for a state party which has affiliated with GPUS, or a party forming for the intent of GPUS affiliation in a state where there is no GPUS affiliated state party.
10-1.3 Ballot Lines: Candidate has pledged in writing to the PCSC to appear on all offered statewide Green Party ballot lines.
10-1.4 Website: Candidate has a dedicated website to promote the candidate’s candidacy, where the website must be publicly accessible via a provided URL, is controlled by the candidate, is not shared with another campaign, clearly identifies that the candidate is running for the Green Party nomination, and has an online donation capability. Social media pages do not satisfy this requirement.
10-1.5 Signatures of Support: Candidate has collected at least 100 signatures of support from Green Party members acquired via an online signature submission form provided by the PCSC. The PCSC, assisted by state party officers, shall be responsible for verifying that at least 100 of the submitted signatures are valid signatures of Green Party members. Of the 100 verified signatures, no more than 50 may be counted from any one state, and signatures must come from at least five state parties.
10-1.6 FEC Filing: Candidate has established a federal campaign committee for the current presidential campaign, as recognized in public listings of the Federal Elections Commission (FEC).
10-1.7 Fundraising: Candidate has demonstrated fundraising success consistent with running a viable national campaign by either (1) raising at least $5000 where no more than $250 from any individual donor may count towards this threshold and least $300 must have been raised from at least five states, or at least $100 from at least ten states OR (2) having received donations of at least $10 each from at least 100 individual donors. This metric shall be verified through campaign finance reports filed with the FEC and posted on the FEC’s web site.
10-1.8 Participation in state primary processes: Candidate participation in state primary processes shall be assessed by the number of states in which the candidate appears on the state government’s Green Party primary ballot or is included by name in the state party-run presidential preference caucus, convention, or online voting process. No minimum criteria is required for official recognition.
10-1.9 PNC Delegates: This metric consists of the number of committed Presidential Nominating Convention (PNC) delegates awarded to the candidate so far based on data obtained by the PCSC in collaboration with other Green Party committees. No minimum criteria is required for official recognition.
Section 10-2 Recognition Process
10-2.1 Granting recognition: When a candidate feels that they have met the minimum criteria for metrics specified in Section 10-1, they must submit an application for recognition on a form provided by the PCSC. Once the PCSC confirms that the requirements of Section 10-1 have indeed been met, the PCSC will designate that candidate as “recognized”.
10-2.2 Rescinding Recognition: Once a candidate has been extended official recognition, such recognition may be rescinded by a proposal specifying cause and acted upon per the standard policies and procedures of the Presidential Campaign Support Committee, with a 2/3 vote of the committee. Grounds for rescinding recognition include a finding of significant fraud or misrepresentation in the application for recognition or a determination that the candidate is no longer seeking the nomination.
10-3.1 Public Access: As part of its publicly-available information pages the PCSC shall include, as a minimum, the assessment metrics identified in Section 10-1 above for all candidates which the PCSC determines are actively seeking official recognition or which have already achieved official recognition. The PCSC shall also provide public access to the PCSC questionnaire submitted by each candidate.
10-3.2 Candidate Access: Candidates who are officially recognized shall, through use of fair, equitable and published procedures, be eligible for special campaign assistance offered at the discretion of the GPUS, which may include special postings on GPUS websites, use of GPUS contact lists, or special visibility on GPUS communication channels.