Campaign Literature—Tom Steyer 2020

                          Tom Steyer 2020

Door Hangers. 4 1/4" x 11".  English, Bilingual versions, Nevada, Feb. 2020.

Caucus for Tom Steyer
Sat. Feb 22

Putting People Over Profits

Doors open by 10am. Be in line by noon at the latest.

Find your caucus location at:

Remember to fill out your preference card for Tom Steyer!

[twitter] @tomsteyer
[instagram] @tomsteyer

"As president, I'll deliver what the others won't: emergency climate action, a 10% tax cut for the middle class, and term limits."
— Tom Steyer

  • Tom is the only candidate who will declare climate change his #1 priority and bring the urgency to the crisis that it demands.
  • Tom is a business leader who can go head-to-head with Trump on the economy and create an economy that gives every American the chance to thrive.
  • Tom will push for term limits to stop Congress from being a lifetime appointment and restore a government of, by, and for the people.

1) Have you made your plan to caucus for Tom Steyer?

2) How will you be getting to your caucus location?
Driving    Walking    Carpooling with friends

3) What time are you planning to arrive?

4) Do you know your caucus location? Go to

Text Caucus to

PAID FOR BY TOM STEYER 2020 [soy ink] [recycle bug]  [union bug]

Caucus for
Apoya a
Feb. 22
Putting People Over Profits
El Pueblo Antes del Lucro

Doors open by 10am. Be in line by noon.
Puertas abren: 10am. Llega antes de las 12pm.

Find your caucus site at:
Encuentra tu caucus en:
Remember to fill out your preference card for Tom Steyer!
Recuerda llenar tu tarjeta preferencial por Tom Steyer!


[twitter] @tomsteyer
[instagram] @tomsteyer

"As president, I'll deliver what the others won't: urgent climate action, a 10% tax cut for 95% of Americans, and term limits."
— Tom Steyer
"Como presidente, yo lograré: acción climática urgente, un recorte de 10% a los impuestos de 95% de los estadounidenses, y límites a términos en el Congreso."
Tom Steyer

  • Tom is the only candidate who will declare climate change his #1 priority and bring the urgency to the crisis that it demands.
Tom es el único candidato que combatirá a la crisis climática con urgencia como su prioridad #1.

  • Tom is a business leader who can go head-to-head with Trump on the economy and create an economy that gives every American the chance to thrive.
Tom es un líder empresarial que puede enfrentar a Trump en la economía y crear oportunidades para que todos triunfemos.

  • Tom will push for term limits to stop Congress from being a lifetime appointment and restore a government of, by, and for the people.
Tom propondrá límites a los términos en el Congreso para que el gobierno vuelva a ser de, por, y para el pueblo.

1)  Have you made your plan to caucus for Tom Steyer?
¿Todo listo para apoyar en el caucus a Tom Steyer?

2) How will you be getting to your caucus location?
¿Cómo llegarás a tu recinto del caucus?
 Driving/Manejando    Walking/Camínando    Carpooling with friends/Con amigos

3) What time are you planning to arrive?
¿A qué hora planeas llegar?

4) Find your caucus location at:
Encuentra tu recinto de caucus:

Text Caucus to

PAID FOR BY TOM STEYER 2020 [soy ink] [recycle bug]  [union bug]

ed. These door hangers are of the same basic design as the NH door hanger, but 11" high compared to 10" for the NH one, and the photos are different.  The bilingual version has slightly different language, stating Steyer will deliver "urgent climate action, a 10% tax cut for 95% of Americans, and term limits" compared to "emergency climate action, a 10% tax cut for the middle class, and term limits."