Campaign Literature—2019

                    Bernie 2020

Brochure. front, back and inside, 8 1/2 " x 11", June 2019.


An effective leader with the toughness to take on powerful interests and fight for justice

Leading the Fight for Medicare for All

Bernie's Medicare for AII plan will provide health insurance for every family so they are not bankrupted by an illness or injury. But this program does even more. What good is insurance if there are no doctors or hospitals clase by? Disparities in health care access and quality of care disproportionately hurt black and Latino Americans. Bernie has fought for years to make sure every community, rural and urban, has doctors and other health care professionals.

Taking on Powerful Special Interests

Eighty-five percent of all income growth goes to the top 1%, the middle class holds only about 3% of American wealth, and the racial wealth gap means that black and Latino families make pennies on the dallar. Some say taking on the Big Money interests isn't a racial issue. Tell that to the black community, who lost 50% of their wealth in the last economic crisis just over a decade ago. We cannot allow black families to have their hard-earned money stolen by Wall Street.

Passing Real Criminal Justice Reform

lnstead of spending $80 billion a year on jails and incarceration, Bernie will invest in jobs and education for our young people. That means no more private prisons and detention centers, ending the profiteering from locking people up, ending the "war on drugs," and no more keeping people in jail because they're too poor to afford cash bail.

Protecting Civil Rights

At a time when the Civil Rights Movement was as maligned and controversial as Black Lives Matter is today, Bernie felt it was a moral imperative to participate. At age 19, he led his college Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) chapter and was arrested for protesting segregated schools. He has one of the strongest civil rights voting records in Congress—speaking out for voting rights, against the 1994 Crime Bill, and for genuine economic equality.
Paid for by Bernie 2020  (not the billionaires)

Letter from Bernie

Dear Friend,

During my travels, I have met so many hardworking people who want the best for themselves, their children and their parents. But the system is rigged against them, and the current president is making it worse. Today, while the very rich become richer, there is no real effort to give ordinary people a fair chance to succeed. There is no appreciation that for America to reach its potential, every child must have an equal opportunity, no matter what the income of his or her family may be.

Growing up in a working class family in Brooklyn, New York, I learned at a young age what it was like to live paycheck to paycheck. And that's a lesson l've never forgotten, a lesson which has shaped my entire political life.

I have never forgotten where I come from. And I haven't forgotten that families in America – from every background – continue to struggle every day to put food on the table and to provide a decent lite for their kids. In many cases, these families are struggling with the extra challenge of systemic racism which not only makes it harder for thei:n to get ahead, but often takes what they have managed to save whenever the opportunity arises. Too many families, and it is especially true of black families, feel like they are on a treadmill. They work harder and harder to get ahead, butjust can't make any progress.

As a young man, I marched on Washington with Dr. King and joined the civil rights movement to fight housing discrimination in Chicago. In 1988, I was one of very few white elected officials to support Jesse Jackson's campaign for president. As a member of Congress, I have worked hard to promote homeownership and access to affordable credit for every family. I have fought against redlining in banking and insurance, predatory lending, voter suppression and disenfranchisement. Today, I am as committed to the struggle for justice as I was those many years ago when I was carted off by the Chicago police.

The only way we defeat Trump, the only way that we tear down the barriers that are holding too many families back, the only way we value the potential of every child, is when we stand together and fight back.

I am running for president in order to create a government based on the principles of justice: economic justice, racial justice, social justice and environmental justice. The enormous problems facing our country – low wages, poor housing, lack of health care, inadequate educational opportunities, climate change, a broken criminal justice system – can be solved if we are prepared to stand together and take on the greed of the powerful special interests who exert so much influence over the economic and political life of our nation.

During the next several months I will be meeting with Americans from all over the country. I want to hear what's on your mind and how we can improve life for working families. I hope you'II attend our meetings.

I also hope you'II join our people-powered campaign which already has over one million people who have volunteered to help. This campaign is about creating a better future for all of us, not just the 1 percent. But we cannot win it without you. Today, I am asking you to join the justice journey.


U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders

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