Campaign Literature—Pledge Cards

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   Pledge Cards
The humble pledge card is a sometimes, or often, overlooked piece of literature that can be thought of as the currency of a campaign's ground game.  At candidate events, field staff seek to bring attendees on board as supporters or potential supporters.  By filling out the pledge card, the attendee provides basic information so the campaign can follow up.  continues...



The pledge card offers a range of design possibilities depending on how much the campaign wants to spend on it.  For this cycle, cards ranging in size from 11 1/2" x 6" to 6" x 4" have been noted.  Some are four-color designs and some are more minimal, basic black and white pieces.  Elements seen on pledge cards include:

  • Brief copy on what the candidate stands for or why he or she is running or a quote from the candidate.
  • Photo of the candidate.
  • Space for attendee's address, phone number and email address.
  • Options to check off (for example: volunteer, meet with an organizer, host an event...).
  • Space for attendee's signature.
  • A space where the attendee can fill in why he or she supports the candidate.
  • Tear-off tab with information on how to connect with the campaign that the voter can keep.
  • Text message disclaimer if cell phone number is asked for.
  • Paid for by the campaign disclaimer.
  • Union bug.
  • Some are state specific.
Having the person write why he or she supports the candidate and providing a tear off tab seem like good ways to reinforce the supporter's connection to the campaign.  As shown above, in addition to the campaigns themselves, interest groups seeking to influence the debate may also produce pledge cards.

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