- Campaign
Communications « Campaign
Literature—2019 « Humanity Forward Fund
Campaign Literature—2019
Humanity Forward Fund
Flyer. 8 1/2" x 11",
Iowa, from the Yang event at L&J, Nov. 2019 YANG WEEK IOWA. ONE WEEK. THE ENTIRE YANG GANG. Yang needs 15% in Iowa. Only the full force of the Yang Gang can make this happen. Sign up at yangweek.org to win the White House. Seriously, do it. January 5th - 11th Powered by HUMANITY FWD Paid for by Humanity Forward Fund (HumanityFWD.org) and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. ___________ ed. note: From the group's website... https://humanityfwd.org/about The Humanity Forward Fund supports Andrew Yang for President in 2020. Advancing his candidacy and policies is our primary mission throughout the 2020 election cycle. HumanityFWD will leverage media and messaging to raise awareness on both a national and hyper-local level of Andrew Yang, Universal Basic Income, Human-Centered Capitalism and the 4th Industrial Revolution. HumanityFWD IS A DIFFERENT KIND OF SUPER PAC In an ideal world, SuperPACs wouldn’t exist, but they do. To level the political playing field, HumanityFWD must exist - but we don’t have to compromise our VALUES. This means we will be 100% transparent, refuse all “dark money” and disclose exactly how the money is spent. It’s simply the FWD thing to do. https://www.humanityfwd.org/faq About Super PACs Super PACs are NOT “PACs” - we cannot and will not donate directly to any political campaign When Andrew Yang says “I don’t take PAC money” - this will still be true It is 100% legal (and common) for individuals to volunteer both for a campaign and for a supporting Super PAC About our Mission HumanityFWD takes actions independent of the campaigns supporting Andrew Yang, his policies, and other like-minded candidates Our focus is on attracting individuals that have already maxed out their campaign donation ($2800 per individual) or who are driven to donate towards a specific initiative About Donating There’s no limit for individuals wanting to donate to HumanityFWD, and all donations from corporations that act in accordance with #HumanityFirst and #YangGang values will be vetted and considered We don’t take foreign money, and all donor lists and expenditures are made public for transparency |