Campaign Literature—2019

                                Howe defends America

Flyer. 8 1/2" x 11", Iowa State Fair, Aug. 2019.


My name is Alan Howe. I am a Democratic candidate for President. I also am a retired United States Air Force Senior Master Sergeant. I served for 24 years, including two decades overseas in Asia, Europe, and the Middle East and two decades as a Non-Commissioned Officer. Since I retired in 2005, I have dedicated my time and efforts to education and volunteering in my prívate life. I live with my wife and my two dogs in a modest rowhouse on a working-class street in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. I read a lot, fly fish, hunt, and ride a motorcycle.

Now, I am running for the Doemocratic nomination for the White House in 2020. As a veteran, I am concerned with threats to our nation. Right now, we face four especially grave threats: 1) a treasonous US President, 2) climate change, 3) rising personal and institutional racism, and 4) dangerously high levels of income inequality. I am determined to confront and defeat each of these threats.

Donald Trump: Our Constitution defines treason as adhering to and providing aid and comfort to enemies of the United States. Each time Donald Trump puts Russian interests ahead of our interests, he is committing treason. The Founding Fathers made treason the first grounds for impeachment. They expected future Congresses to defend our nation by impeaching and removing a threat posed by a treasonous Executive. Congress must act now to defend us.

Climate Change: Our Earth is on a dangerous path. We must change course immediately. We must launch an urgent national program to deploy renewable energy sources. This is an environmental-, infrastructure-, and jobs-program. lt is an economic modernization program and a national security program. We have no spare environment or spare planet. We must preserve this world for our children and our grandchildren, and we must act now. We must have energy solutions that do not poison our water, poison our air, or poison our children.

Rising Racism: Hate crimes, including murder, are on the rise in the United States. The shootings of unarmed black men by police have become a recurring national tragedy. Race and religion are key factors in the Trump Administration's immigration policy in violation of US law and American values. We must treat domestic hate groups under US law the same way we treat terrorist groups. We must supervise investigations of police shootings. We must remove racial and religious conditions on immigration. We must restare the Voting Rights Act.

lncome lnequality: We must defeat the standard Republican fare of huge tax cuts for the wealthy and pain and suffering for the rest of us befare they destroy our economic future. We must support unions and increases in the minimum wage. We must restare higher tax rates on the wealthy, keeping more money circulating in our economy, so everyone gets a chance to raise their standard of living. We must fix Social Security taxes to end the high rates for workers and low rates for the wealthy. We must ensure that education and health care are aids to improving your financia! situation, not sources of oppressive debt that block your chance to rise. Fixing income inequality will allow us to better fund things like education, health care, and infrastructure. lt will help us strengthen communities and create jobs.

On the reverse, you can see my economic philosophy (Strong Communities - Strong Nation) and a sampling of my positions on specific issues. I encourage you to visit my campaign Facebook page and my website to learn more. We have a lot of work to do to reverse the damage from Donald Trump and from decades of Republican policies. With your help, we can fix this. We must fix this. Together, we will fix this.    Alan Howe 2020 on

Paid for by Howe defends America  [union bug]


We must help our local communities grow.

The Great Recession of 2007-09 devastated the US economy, ravaging savings and home values, and destroying eight million jobs. While the nation returned to economic growth in July 2009 and to private sector job growth in early 2010, many communities continued to suffer. Many still suffer today.

lt is time to turn our national efforts to implementing policies that focus on local communities. That means more money in your wallets and more money in your municipalities. The more you and your neighbors and your local governments have available to spend, the more demand you can generate. More local demand means more local business and more local jobs. This works whether your community is in a densely populated inner city or in a sparsely populated rural county. lt works for the poor, the working class, and the middle class. lt works for the wealthy and for business owners. I will enact economic policies that work for everyone.

IMMIGRATION: We are a thriving nation of immigrants. lmmigration has made us the strongest nation on Earth. Our immigration policies should reflect that. We need sensible immigration reform that continues to grow our economy and strengthen our nation. Reducing immigration threatens to reduce our economic growth as vital jobs go unfilled. We need policies that promote growth. Welcoming immigrants is pro-growth.

ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION/RESTORATION: We have just one home, one planet, and we must take care of it. The flows of pollution that bring C02 into the air we breathe also bring many other pollutants that lead to birth defects, disease, and death. Whether or not you accept the science on climate change (and I urge you to accept it!), you still suffer the immediate effects of these other pollutants. We do not have to poison ourselves. Moreover, programs that reverse environmental damage create jobs just as spending on infrastructure creates jobs. Our children and grandchildren deserve a clean water, clean air, and a clean planet.

EDUCATION: We need a new deal on education. There was a time when K-12 education allowed our children to reach the middle class and then to contribute their share toward funding our governments and society. That rarely works now. We must invest enough to get young adults on a secure path to the middle class. That likely means more college classes in high school, more years of schooling at public expense, and more interaction between businesses and educators to see that we are meeting the needs of our economy and not relying too heavily on bringing in skilled immigrants to fill the jobs our children could fill.

HEALTH CARE: The goal of any health care policy should be to cover everyone for the least cost while avoiding harm to the national economy. We must have a public-private system that resembles our education system and provides care for everyone. Health care is a fundamental right There are four steps that can move us in the right direction carefully and thoughtfully and without endangering economic growth: 1) Add a public option to our national exchanges, 2) Fully resource the Veterans Administration and then determine if it can add first-responders, 3) Lower the age threshold for Medicare, and 4) lncrease the income threshold for Medicaid. We can build on this sensibly until everyone is covered.    @HoweDefendsUSA

Paid for by Howe defends America  [union bug]