Heartland Forum

HuffPost video  

Saturday, March 30, 2019 at Buena Vista University's Schaller Chapel in Storm Lake, IA.

4 CANDIDATES and 1 POTENTIAL: Castro, Delaney, Warren, Klobuchar and Ryan.

Background: Iowa Farmers Union, HuffPost, the Storm Lake Times and Open Markets Action Fund organized the event.  Art Cullen, Zach Carter and Amanda Terkel moderated.

Iowa Farmers Union
March 18, 2019
Nevada, IA

Presidential Candidates to Discuss Farm Issues

Heartland Forum set for March 30 at Buena Vista University in Storm Lake

Iowa Farmers Union is hosting the Heartland Forum to bring together leading Democratic presidential contenders to discuss their ideas for solving the range of economic and social challenges facing rural and small-town communities in Iowa and beyond.
“We are glad to have this discussion focused on family farmer and rural Iowa issues,” said Aaron Lehman, Iowa Farmers Union President.  “Our members will be anxious to see how candidates connect with voters on issues vitally important to them.”


“Farm income has been dropping for 5 years.  According to USDA statistics, the median farmer is losing money again this year.  The average age of the Iowa farmer is over 59 years old.  Agribusiness consolidation is at an all-time high.  Farmers are being called upon to do more and more to help clean up Iowa’s waters.  Our challenges are huge.”


“At the same time, farmers continue to find creative and innovative ways to make their farms and communities better places.  We hope this event serves as a jumping off point for discussions with presidential candidates about the future of rural America.”   
Iowa Farmers Union, Open Markets Institute Action Fund, HuffPost and The Storm Lake Times are sponsors of the event which will be moderated by Pulitzer Prize-winning Storm Lake Times columnist and editor Art Cullen and hosted by Buena Vista University in Storm Lake, Iowa.
Candidates confirmed so far include Julian Castro (former HUD Secretary), U.S. Rep. John Delaney, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (HI), Senator Amy Klobuchar (MN), Rep. Tim Ryan (OH) and Senator Elizabeth Warren (MA). Questions for the candidates will be developed by Farmers Union members.   
Admission to the event is free to the public. A fundraising reception will directly follow the event and proceeds will support Iowa Farmers Union beginning farmer outreach activities.  Visit www.iowafarmersunion.org/heartland-forum/for more information and to get tickets.


General questions about the event should be directed to IFU president Aaron Lehman:
(515) 291-2656; alehman@iowafarmersunion.org
Members of the press wishing to attend should contact Nicky Vogt to get credentials:


Heartland Forum
Saturday, March 30, 2019, 1pm
Schaller Chapel, Buena Vista University
610 W 4th Street, Storm Lake, IA