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Iowa Event Graphics

The purpose of this collection of event notices and invitations by campaigns and event sponsors is to convey visually the intense and varied activity in the Iowa caucus campaign and to showcase a multitude of design approaches ranging from creative and imaginative to basic and functional.
Most of the graphics were created the campaigns, but some were from groups sponsoring candidate events. There is an important caveat; some campaigns did not produce/promulgate this kind of graphics, and those campaigns are not well represented below. A common practice on many campaign event pages is simply to put up a photo of the candidate with the details in text below. The graphics shown below require a bit more effort. When similar graphics/flyers were produced by a campaign for multiple stops on the same trip, only one representative example was included. 
Iowa  |  New Hampshire  |  Nevada  |  South Carolina

Note to designers: Put the date and location of the event on the graphic!












- JULY -


January-June 2019

2017-Nov. 6, 2018