Choosing a Leader
Each candidate brings to the race a particular set
of values, experiences, strengths and weaknesses, and leadership
style. In addition to assessing a candidate's issue positions, a
voter must consider whether the candidate would be able to implement
his or her ideas if he or she were elected president.
Reviewing the
field of
potential candidates or candidates, one sees many different leadership
styles. Some are charismatic, big-picture
visionaries able to deliver a rousing speech, some are skilled
managers able to assemble a top notch team of people, and some revel in
the details
of policy. There are those who tend to surround themselves with
advisors and consultants
who hold fairly similar views, while others seek out diversity of
opinions. Ultimately the objective is not to elect a the best
candidate, the one
who always looks good on TV, has a soundbite ready to deliver, and is a
perfect ideological fit, but the candidate with the temperament, skills
and ability to lead the country through what trials and tribulations it
may encounter to a better place.
A great deal of research has been done into leadership and there are
many different models and theories on what makes for an effective
leader and what prompts an individual to gravitate toward one candidate
another. One useful perspective is offered by Robert Deutsch, a
public communication anaylst and cognitive anthropologist.
Deutsch argues that a candidate must convey three attributes at the
same time. Familiarity
means we perceive the candidate is like us. Appeasement means we feel the
candidate cares for us as individuals. Power means we see the candidate as
being more than any one ordinary person; he or she is somehow in
control of events.
Conceptions of leadership may change over time or in different
cultures. Television has elevated the importance of external
appearances. Historically, a candidate's physical appearance had
some effect; for example it is recognized that taller candidates may
have an advantage. In the television era, it is important that
the candidate have no "edges" that will jar viewers or come across as
"too hot." Ability to speak in sound bites can trump laying out a
reasoned argument. The parties have at times selected
from the business world or the military, but that has not happened in
recent decades, and it seems as if voters want candidates with at least
a little experience in elective office. The 2008 campaign saw an
African American, an Hispanic, and a woman candidate running for
president, breaking new ground.
A campaign organization is designed to present the candidate in the
best possible light, and it behooves the voter to look at information
from a variety of sources, including both favorable and unfavorable
views of the candidate.
A candidate's record offers a starting point for insights into his or her leadership style and ability. Has he or she demonstrated an ability to get things done or meet difficult challenges in his or her particular realm? A candidate's character ties in with the leadership question. Questions such as "Do I trust this guy?" and "Is he stable?" weigh into a voter's decision-making. Traits such as courage, temperament, persistence, and wisdom are attributes linked to leadership. A president must be able set a direction and goals, but also have the ability to move the country in that direction and attain those goals; that may require working with an unfriendly Congress, negotiating with various interests, or tacking in one direction to get to a different direction.
The election campaign itself
provides an opportunity to
consider leadership. In a campaign there is a lot of chaff, minor
controversies that crop
up, charges and countercharges, stagecraft, packaging and
posturing. Looking carefully at how
a candidate organizes and conducts his
campaign can offer
further insights into his or her leadership abilities. Is he or
she willing
to stick to his or her position on a difficult issue, challenge voters
or think outside the box, and negotiate when necessary or does he or
she cling
tightly to party orthodoxy? At the same time, one can
also ask if the modern campaign, with its bevy of consultants, emphasis
on raising money,
and premium on sound bite politics, bears much connection to the type
leadership required from a president.
An incumbent president seeking re-election has an edge in conforming
the image of a leader because he is surrounded by the trappings of
office. He arrives on Air Force I, he gets "Hail to the Chief"
and he speaks from a lectern with the presidential seal on it.
Incumbency can be an advantage for a president not only in terms of
symbolism, but in the concrete actions he can take during the campaign
to "buy" support. During the 1992 Fall campaign, for example, the
Washington Post compared
President George H.W. Bush to " a department store Santa Claus" and Detroit News writer James Gannon
described "a flying fountain of federal aid." Incumbency can cut
both ways, however. Voters will certainly weigh President Donald
J. Trump's response to the coronavirus pandemic and ensuing economic
- Useful Links
- PBS - "Character Above All: An Exploration of Presidential Leadership"
- Wikipedia - Leadership
- Google Search - Leadership Quizzes (there are hundreds of these online).
- Note. A new wrinkle for 2020 was legislation
introduced in some
states that would have required candidates for president and vice
to release their income tax returns in order to be included on the
state ballot. This was a response to Trump's refusal to release
his returns. For
example on July 30, 2019
California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) signed SB 27, the Presidential Tax
Transparency and Accountability Act, requiring candidates for president
and governor to submit 5 years of IRS tax returns to appear on the
primary ballot. On Nov. 21, the State Supreme Court ruled the law
invalid (>).
Many of the Democratic
candidates released
returns voluntarily in the first part of 2019 (+)