Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.

"Capacidad Mental" +

:30 TV ad from June 30, 2020.


Narradora:  Joe Biden est á deteriorado.

Biden (clip): ...rapidly rising, uh, uh and with uh...

Narradora:  Ahora los 77 años y su tercera candidatura presidencial, Biden claramente está debilitado.

Biden (clip):  ..all men and women were created by know the thing...

Biden (clip):  Sometimes I wake up and I think it's 1920.

Narradora:  Joe Biden no tiene la fuerza, la energía, la capacidad mental para liderar este país.

Trump (voiceover):  I'm Donald J. Trump and I approve this message.

Notes:  This is the Spanish-language version of "Fortitude" (June 19).