Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.


:60 TV ad from Oct. 13, 2020.

Mike Lindell
:  Hello, I'm Mike Lindell, and I'm here to talk to voters in both parties about the upcoming election.

Off-camera:  Were you always a Republican?

Man 1:  I was a lifelong Democrat.  Mr. Lindell, I don't recognize the Democratic Party of today.

Man 2:  I think Joe Biden's going to raise my taxes.

Woman 1:  Joe Biden will raise taxes...and kill jobs. 

Woman 2:  I would be very scared if Joe Biden became president.

Man 1:  He's committed to the far-left socialistic agenda that Bernie Sanders and the AOC crowd has promoted.

Woman 1:  The only barrier between us and socialism is President Trump.

Man 1:  President Trump is delivering on all he said he would do.

Man 3:  This is a president that has kept his promises.

Man 4:  He's not playing games, not playing the political game; he just wants to get done what's right.

Man 1:  President Trump is the right person for this nation's economy.

Man 1:  About the only politician that seems to get it.

Woman 3:  I will vote for President Trump because he cares about people like me.

Trump (voiceover):  I'm Donald J. Trump and I approve this message.

Notes: This ad, which features prominent Trump Minnesota supporter Mike Lindell is a longer version of the :30 ad "Economic Roundtable," which the campaign debuted on Sept. 17.