Biden for President

"Soñar es lograr" +

:30 TV ad from July 21, 2020 run in AZ, FL.

Narrador:  Si lo peudes soñar lo puedes lograr. 


Es esa la base del sueño americano y la inspiración de Biden.

Como vicepresidente soñó con acabar la devastadora recesión del 2008 y logró reducir a más de la mitad del desempleo en la comunidad latina.

Ahora, Joe Biden sueña con aumentar el salario mínimo e invertir en nuestros pequeños negocios, porque el sueño americano debe ser el logro de todos por igual.

Biden (voiceover):  I'm Joe Biden and I approve this message.

Notes:  The ad opens with a neatly done sequence showing images, younger and older, of labor leader Dolores Huerta, followed by Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor and then Joe Biden.  From the press release, the ad "shows how Joe Biden’s track record has proved that he can help Americans, including immigrant families, achieve the American dream and get big things done. The Spanish-language ads use narrators native to specific markets."

Full press release:

Biden for President Ramps Up General Election Paid Media Efforts

Campaign Kickstarts Accelerated Spending with Initial $15 Million, Week-Long Investment
New English- and Spanish- Language Ads Highlight Biden’s Trusted and Tested Experience

Today, Biden for President announced it will ramp up its general election paid media efforts across TV, radio, digital, and print between now and November, spending more than $15 million on paid media in the next week alone. The new buy represents a major increase in paid media spending with additional significant investments in the coming weeks, exceeding the $15 million spent in the past five weeks as part of the campaign’s inaugural advertising flight.
Ads will continue running in battleground states that Donald Trump won in 2016, including Arizona, Florida, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, and the campaign is expanding its media market footprint in states. The campaign is also broadening its national cable buys on news and sports channels, including a presence on MLB's opening games later this week.
With this new buy, Biden for President is also unveiling new ads that emphasize Joe Biden’s trusted and tested experience during times of crisis. These ads make the positive case for Joe Biden’s leadership and vision for his presidency, and are in sharp contrast to the message of fear and division Donald Trump’s campaign is sending through their similar paid media.
“Truth” uses Biden’s voice to encourage Americans to fulfill their patriotic duty to protect others from COVID19 with face masks, hand washing, and social distance, and “Tested” touts Biden’s record overseeing the Recovery Act and helping coordinate the response to control Ebola while also outlining his vision to rebuild the middle class, provide quality education, and expand affordable health care.
The campaign’s investment in reaching Latino voters through sustained investments continues with a new Spanish-language ad, “Soñar es lograr,” running in Arizona and Florida that shows how Joe Biden’s track record has proved that he can help Americans, including immigrant families, achieve the American dream and get big things done. The Spanish-language ads use narrators native to specific markets.