Biden for President

"Cuentas" +

:60 TV ad from June 18, 2020.


Narrador:  El agua, la luz, el celular, nuestra casa, las cuentas no las detienen ni una pandemia.

Y mientras se acumulan las cuentas, Trump continúa vendiendo cuentos.

Trump:  We have it totally under control.
    TEXT:  Lo tenemos totalmente bajo control.

Trump:  This is going to go away without a vaccine.
    TEXT:  Esto desaparecer á sin una vacuna.

Poniendo en riesgo innecesariamente nuestra salud y dejando a nuestras familias en las filas de desempleo.

Es hora de un líder con cuentas claras.

Durante la crisis del 2008 Joe Biden administró el Plan de Recuperación de casi 800 billones, creando o salvando millones de empleos.

¿Cuánto se malgastó? 0.001 por ciento...para quién lleva la cuenta.

[SFX]  Este noviembre dejamos claro que los cuentos no pagan las cuentas.

Este noviembre cuenta con Joe Biden.


Notes:  Per the press release this ad "reflects the thoughtfulness and seriousness of the campaign's outreach to the Latino community."  See also:  Will Weissert.  "1 ad, 3 accents: How Democrats aim to win Latino voters."  AP, June 6, 2020.  The article notes that "the narrator for the version that aired in Miami had a Cuban accent. In Orlando, Florida, the accent was Puerto Rican. And in Phoenix, it was Mexican.

 The June 18, 2020 press release:

Biden for President Announces Inaugural General Election Advertising Flight

Campaign launches $15 million, five-week effort in six states Donald Trump won in 2016

Today, Biden for President announced the launch of a $15 million, five-week TV, digital, radio, and print advertising flight — our first major advertising program of the general election.

This campaign is launching on TV and digital in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, North Carolina, Florida, and Arizona, all states that Donald Trump carried in 2016. There will also be a national cable component that includes Fox News.

This campaign includes placing both English and Spanish-language content across Florida and in Arizona, a significant move early in the general election that reflects the thoughtfulness and seriousness of the campaign’s outreach to the Latino community. Beginning on Friday, when the nation commemorates Juneteenth, the campaign is also making a six-figure investment in African American print, radio, and targeted digital programming in FL, MI, PA, WI, AZ, NC. We’ll also run a targeted digital program online to amplify our message across all platforms.

“The ads feature Biden in his own voice. A voice of clarity and moral authority that the country desperately needs,” said Patrick Bonsignore, Director of Paid Media, Biden for President. “The audio is pulled from his searing address on this moment in history from Philadelphia, the birthplace of our nation. It was an address that Donald Trump could never give.”

While the Trump campaign has invested millions of dollars to shore up his base with negative ad after negative ad in states he won in 2016, these ads offer the positive case for Joe Biden and reflect a campaign-wide strategy that sets out to create multiple pathways to 270 electoral votes with an expansive map, highlighting states like Arizona and North Carolina.

The paid media effort will be anchored around the following ads:

"Unite Us"
"My Commitment"